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Food Pubs?


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Can anyone reccomend a decent pub which sells decent food between 2pm and 5pm during the week.

Anywhere in or around town.

Tried Bankers draft, Queens head ( but the times have now changed) and Riverside.

Anyone got anywhere as good or better?

Thanks in advance!


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Rutland Arms on Brown St.


Dog and Partridge on Trippet Lane.


Beer Engine on Cemetery Road, although it doesn't open until 4 in the week, but the food is great.


Food from all the above is prepared and cooked on the premises, all very good.

Edited by Bargepole23
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10 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Head of Steam is nice 

Agree to disagree...had something to eat there on a couple of occasions, mediocre at best. 


Don't particularly like it as a pub either.


But if we all liked the same stuff, it would be a very mundane world :)


I like the food at All Bar One though.

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