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The big fight... Rooney -v- Ronaldo


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Well, i'm not a footy fan at all, but watched the last Englnd match......and i gotta say i was fuming. Rooney shouldn't have done what he did, but it looked to me like it wasn't done on purpose, he didn't deserve a rd card for it. I've also heard on the news, that Rooney and Rinaldo have been texting each other since the incident and they are making amends. Anyway, as for the match, i was yelling at the tv shouting "somebodies been paid off"!!!!!!. The footballers that were sent off was ridiculous, and Portugal seemed to be getting away with alot of fouls too. So, in my opinion, the ref didn't like England and either he, or Sven had been given one hell of a pay off....grrrrrr, but thats just me, and i dont follow footy!....lol


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OK I got this via email and am sharing the wealth :D

I've cast my vote... will you? ;)




There is a very real danger that Cristiano Ronaldo will be voted the fans' best young player at the World Cup despite his pouting, diving, pretty boy antics designed mainly to get himself a lucrative transfer to Real Madrid and thus avoid the good kicking he deserves from Wayne Rooney at Manchester United training.


He is currently 1st in the FIFA voting just ahead of Luis Valencia of Ecuador. Please can everyone go to http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/06/en/w/bypa/eligible.html and do the decent thing by voting for Luis Valencia. It doesn't matter who you support or if you haven't seen them play, just stop Ronaldo.




Pass this on to EVERYONE YOU KNOW.


Did you watch France v Portugal?

The none Portugese fans were booing CRonaldos' every touch.

John Motson said that this level of negative noise was unprecedented

in Europe.

seems that English fans are not the only ones to be sick of his cheating antics!

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Did you watch France v Portugal?

The none Portugese fans were booing CRonaldos' every touch.

John Motson said that this level of negative noise was unprecedented

in Europe.

seems that English fans are not the only ones to be sick of his cheating antics!


There were a lot of England fans in the Stadium.

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Well apparently Rooney has said that if Ronaldo stays, he will go - he already has a new career lined up :



I also hear that the two of them are in the process of making it up :


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There were a lot of England fans in the Stadium.


I have have been on other sites and the consensus from people who were there, is that only a few England fans were. Apparently some Europeans, South Americans and Aussie fans along with mainly French and German fans were showing their disapproval of Chronaldos disgusting cheating antics.

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Well, i'm not a footy fan at all, but watched the last Englnd match......and i gotta say i was fuming. Rooney shouldn't have done what he

did, but it looked to me like it wasn't done on purpose, he didn't deserve a rd card for it. I've also heard on the news, that Rooney and Rinaldo have been texting each other since the incident and they are making amends. Anyway, as for the match, i was yelling at the tv shouting "somebodies been paid off"!!!!!!. The footballers that were sent off was ridiculous, and Portugal seemed to be getting away with alot of fouls too. So, in my opinion, the ref didn't like England and either he, or Sven had been given one hell of a pay off....grrrrrr, but thats just me, and i dont follow footy!....lol



For someone who admits to not following footy you seem to have hit the nail on the head ,except for the bribes bit. I am pretty sure that Sven has enough already from the FA, and refs don't take bribes ever!:rolleyes:


Its a self preservation society.

Just one big bung give it to me delicious lira from Italy:cool:

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