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The big fight... Rooney -v- Ronaldo


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OK I got this via email and am sharing the wealth :D

I've cast my vote... will you? ;)




There is a very real danger that Cristiano Ronaldo will be voted the fans' best young player at the World Cup despite his pouting, diving, pretty boy antics designed mainly to get himself a lucrative transfer to Real Madrid and thus avoid the good kicking he deserves from Wayne Rooney at Manchester United training.


He is currently 1st in the FIFA voting just ahead of Luis Valencia of Ecuador. Please can everyone go to http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/06/en/w/bypa/eligible.html and do the decent thing by voting for Luis Valencia. It doesn't matter who you support or if you haven't seen them play, just stop Ronaldo.




Pass this on to EVERYONE YOU KNOW.

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Spread the word!!!!




and also this:


There is a very real danger that Cristiano Ronaldo will be voted the fans' best young player at the World Cup despite his pouting, diving, pretty boy antics designed mainly to get himself a lucrative transfer to Real Madrid and thus avoid the good kicking he deserves from Wayne Rooney at Manchester United training.


He is currently 1st in the FIFA voting just ahead of Luis Valencia of Ecuador. Please can everyone go to




and do the decent thing by voting for Valencia. It doesn't matter who you support or if you haven't seen them play, just stop Ronaldo.

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First off, he's 15,000 votes ahead.


And secondly, I'm from England when it comes to Football, not the United Kingdom....



That as a % of total vote?? If this message on other forums and being sent round peoples address books, 15,000 is nothing!!!!

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Every year we English find a scapegoat. This time its Ronaldo, before it was Kim Neilsen, and another time a ref whose name escapes me (disallowed Sol Campbells goal v Portugal).


Why cant we just accept we werent good enough?

All this Sun-led anti Ronaldo ****e is very boring.

I am a Man United fan who was actually at the game in Gelsenkirchen, and whilst I didnt agree with what he Ronaldo did, Rooney deserved his red.

He is an idiot who let everybody down, not least the medical staff who gave up so much of their time to get him fit.

Which he clearly wasnt, by the way.

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Did not blame Ronaldo for us losing. We lost on pen, fair enough. However, what he did (whether Rooney deserved to go or not) is just not on, not against any player, never mind your club team mate. Its not in the fair play scheme of things that FIFA is so ramming down our throats every time the teams walk out at the begining of the match via the use of the flag that is carried.


This is about sportsmanship!!! (for me anyhow)

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Every year we English find a scapegoat. This time its Ronaldo, before it was Kim Neilsen, and another time a ref whose name escapes me (disallowed Sol Campbells goal v Portugal).


Why cant we just accept we werent good enough?

All this Sun-led anti Ronaldo ****e is very boring.

I am a Man United fan who was actually at the game in Gelsenkirchen, and whilst I didnt agree with what he Ronaldo did, Rooney deserved his red.

He is an idiot who let everybody down, not least the medical staff who gave up so much of their time to get him fit.

Which he clearly wasnt, by the way.


Come on Guderian, it's the 'Golden generation'!!! Hargreaves is rubbish!! Best league in the world!! Gerrard and Lampard, best midfielders in history!!!


As per usual the public swallow the tabloid hype, palatable excuses issued by bitter ex-players on the BBC and ITV and ignore the unpalatable truth.


We are a medicore side with mediocre players and without a boatload of luck never were going to win the World Cup, whoever happens to be the manager who 'fails' by reaching the quarter-finals. Yet again.


Until we start teaching young players to love a football rather than treat it as something to be distrusted we don't stand a chance. Pity nobody ever seems to use our lack of basic skills as a reason why we can't go that extra mile in tournaments like these.

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It's a sad reflection on the modern game when you consider that Rooney was dismissed for NOT cheating. I'm not going to argue whether the stamp was deliberate or not, there's no point, only one man truly knows. But at the time of the incident Rooney had two players swinging off his neck, most players would have been content to collapse to the floor at this point and take a free kick for their troubles. Rooney chose not to and either a) took out his frustration on Carvalho's spuds or b) stood on Carvalho while attempting to break free... would it have made a difference to the game? I don't know. We were a very ordinary team up until the 62nd minute.


Until Blatter takes his head from up his bum and addresses the real problem with football, diving (or simulation if you prefer) the sport will always be tainted.

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