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Time To Hang Up I Think.


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15 hours ago, Ghozer said:

last word has/had nothing to do with it...

That's just from your point of view though, as a mod.


From a regular user's point of view; there is a very different feeling altogether, when a thread has been closed and you are deprived of an opportunity to respond or continue the conversation, or make related points etc.


This is perhaps something that most mods would not experience, and so may not relate to.


The way the forum worked before the new owners took over; it was terribly over moderated, and I'm sure a lot of people left our community as a result of that.


From where I'm standing, it seems a lot better to have a lighter touch on the moderation; less users with elevated privileges, and just to keep SF a friendly and supportive community.


I still don't see how you losing mod privileges changes anything, or why you would leave. I can understand if you feel a bit peeved at the lack of communication re: changes in your mod status, from the new owners; but I'm sure nothing was done maliciously. Of course, you have to do what you feel is the right thing for you; but I hope you choose to stick around and continue to be the helpful voice that everyone appreciates.


All the best. 👍

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I wasn't going to get drawn into this, but just to stop everyone questioning and whinging..

Part of the whole 'here, take charge of this section' was because there was many instances of mods removing posts that they felt should be removed, when they shouldn't have really..

A thread that mentions even a slightest hint of something illegal, Such as (for example) a thread where someone mentioned being able to update a "naughty" version of Windows 7, to Windows 10 without issue... 

To me, this was ok - they didn't say HOW to get the illegal Windows 7, or anything similar, it was just a perfectly valid comment about the subject in question based on an observation they had made...

or, if a user had asked about copying audio to their computer, I saw the thread get deleted without question... when In fact it was their own work (something on cassette tape) they wanted digitizing... the mods had deleted it thinking "Ohh, illegal activity, must delete", without question...

MULTIPLE times I raised queries with the help desk "why was this deleted? nothing illegal was discussed" etc, and so on and so on... (remember, this is just an example)

so, when the Interest Groups and Assistant Moderators were added (they added the AM role because of the Interest groups I believe) - I was approached, and asked to look after the section, to help avoid deletions like the above, help moderate something I had more knowledge about, than any of the full moderators did...

This included renaming titles as required (so if I user just posted a title of "HELP" or something, I'd have to rename to something descriptive of the question) deleting spam and ACTUAL rule breaking posts, locking threads once they had run their course/the original question was answered etc..

I was also given the ability to pin... and as I was mod there, I was able to edit my own pinned and locked post - and now I cannot update the pinned post as an example..
I cannot rename titles to actual questions where needed..
I cannot lock threads to prevent questions and answers being lost behind multiple pages..
I cannot delete spam posts, useless replies, and false / bad info..

and again, I cannot edit my own pinned post to redo and update the info (as it is very out of date atm)

It was partly about ease, and partly about keeping the section tidy, and if questions arose regularly, I could pin it (even temporarily), to avoid multiple posts about the same thing, the info was just 'there' (I have done that on odd occasions in the past)

whether or not you understand why, having that limited ability did make things easier..

And as I said, this isn't the ONLY reason I'm doing this, it's just the final thing that pushed me over...

Edited by Ghozer
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On 08/07/2021 at 18:22, SFBeca said:

We are moderating the interest sections the same as the others.

Which would appear to be removing spammiing ads (after more than 12 hours and numerous reports) and nothing else.

Edited by Longcol
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14 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Which would appear to be removing spammiing ads (after more than 12 hours and numerous reports) and nothing else.

Which is what a moderator should do and not much more.

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13 hours ago, Ghozer said:

wasn't going to get drawn into this, but just to stop everyone questioning and whinging.

So just as I said then. You can't get your own way, so youre throwing your toys out and flouncing

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