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Whats All The Cars Rushing About

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but they are supposed to uphold the law,which they cannot do as they would need to treble there forces to stand a chance,same as parking they could make a fortune if they went round just lowedges early morning and booked every car parked were they shouldnt,ie to close or on a junction,never mind all the rest of the estates.

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On 13/07/2020 at 14:39, Baron99 said:

Couldn't agree more with this. I've lived in the area longer than 7 years and it's the worst I've ever known it. It's not just the ususal boy racers either. It's the school mums in their SUVs too.

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This is a huge concern in S2. 


I have been here for 4 years but I never experienced this until lockdown but it seems to have become a permanent feature.


Frightening speeds on all of the roads around here and so noisy, going on all through the night. Sounds like Brands Hatch. 

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On 04/08/2020 at 12:21, biotechpete said:

Couldn't agree more with this. I've lived in the area longer than 7 years and it's the worst I've ever known it. It's not just the ususal boy racers either. It's the school mums in their SUVs too.

Just read The Star article and I couldn’t agree more.

About 10.30 pm tonight 2 cars followed by a motorbike raced up Walkley Bank Road,and I mean raced.

I campaigned for speed bumps or cameras on this road,but we finished up with a speed indicator,which  doesn’t register any speed over 40mph because apparently it encourages some idiots to clock a fast time.

So it’s no deterrent at all,just a gentle reminder to those marginally exceeding 30 mph.


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On 09/08/2020 at 23:27, Bojan said:

This is a huge concern in S2. 


I have been here for 4 years but I never experienced this until lockdown but it seems to have become a permanent feature.


Frightening speeds on all of the roads around here and so noisy, going on all through the night. Sounds like Brands Hatch. 

And I've also noticed a huge increase in the number of episodes of clearly stolen vehicles around me when I've been out with the dog. Nobody spends half an hour with their own car doing sprints up and down Harborough Avenue screaming the engine and I've seen that on 2 occasions in recent weeks, one a motorbike and the other an SUV which also will now have a screwed up gearbox judging by how much the occupant was crunching the gears when he was throwing it across the grass in doughnuts.


As a woman by myself with a dog that is scared of all loud noises and totally incapable of protecting anything, reporting these is rather risky, but when I've tried I've been left on hold for ridiculous lengths of time and then cut off.

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