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Sheffield Theaters Membership RIP OFF fee.

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Well imo it is a  form of social injustice when someone thinks up a scheme that means only wealthy people can afford the £50 rip off fee. Why did this start , greed , pure greed . Why shouldn't i have just as much chance of a decent seat. Thats how it use to be ,  first come first served , now its first come first served , oh only  if you pay a £50 rip off fee.  I wanted to book a few seats for me and my family and i have been denied in doing so because i have not paid £50 for the years membership.

I only go to see a couple of shows a year. But people like me are being told to get to the back of the queue if you don't pay us £50. RIP OFF and GREED are at the heart of this little gem of a scheme.    

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14 minutes ago, master jedi said:

Thanks for that positive info nikki-red much appreciated for letting me know that. I seem to think everybody else who was contributing was in the mind set of your poor so that's just tough.

Some of us were in the mindset of why it happens and it isn't all down to money.  I had membership to a small local theatre for an annual subscription, it got me early bird tickets or discounts. But it money into the theatre coffers to put plays.

At the time i was unemployed and £16 was a lot of money to me.

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1 hour ago, master jedi said:

Everything these days im afraid is down to money , and i don't think you would be naive enough to think its not.

Im unemployed at the moment and finding it hard to get work due to my disability and £50 is a lot of money for me. 

I dont think anyone is denying that.    I am sorry you are in such position at the moment.


However, trying to play the victim and launch some rediculous social justice blabber over what are simple facts of life are not beyond critique either.


People with money (or those who choose to pay for it) get better privileges than those who dont.       A company offering incentives and benefits to frequent patrons over those occasional and ad hoc ones is simple good business practice.


Why try and turn it into something it isnt.


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4 hours ago, master jedi said:

So i received a whats on Sheffield Theater leaflet through my door and tried to book a show. 

I usually go to see a show by myself once or twice a year at a push but i thought i would it would be nice to try and make it a family event.

Sadly you now have to stump up a £50 membership fee in order to book tickets as i have just tried to and it wont let you until you join.

Well done Sheffield Theaters you money grabbing merchants , sadly due to the politically correct cowards brigade im not allowed to use the word most normal people would like to use when describing a rip off trait like this , you have decided to try and fleece the not so wealthy people who can only afford to go to see a shows once or twice a year. 


Hope you are feeling really proud of yourself you discriminating  Muppets.



What on earth is it that you feel political correctness stops you from describing a membership scheme as?


On a wider note, the £50 fee is definitely not a rip off.  It is well worth the money and I shall be upgrading to the £150 one next time.


I get money off tickets, food and drink and I get priority seating.


I love it.

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54 minutes ago, JamesR123 said:

What on earth is it that you feel political correctness stops you from describing a membership scheme as?


On a wider note, the £50 fee is definitely not a rip off.  It is well worth the money and I shall be upgrading to the £150 one next time.


I get money off tickets, food and drink and I get priority seating.


I love it.

If you pay the £150 does that mean master Jedi and his family have to carry you into the theatre on a sedan?

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I am a member of a bands "priority list" and do not pay for the privelidge I get to know about performances before the general public without paying and would  not pay to do so,  if they want me to come and see them  they dont need to charge extra just repay my loyalty.   In my humble opinion I agree with Master jedi .

   Are the arts only for the ones who are able to pay?  The price for tickets for  Sheffiled Theatres is prohibitive and  the cheaper seats (especially in th Lyceum) are truely awful

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4 hours ago, master jedi said:

Well imo it is a  form of social injustice when someone thinks up a scheme that means only wealthy people can afford the £50 rip off fee. Why did this start , greed , pure greed . Why shouldn't i have just as much chance of a decent seat. Thats how it use to be ,  first come first served , now its first come first served , oh only  if you pay a £50 rip off fee.  I wanted to book a few seats for me and my family and i have been denied in doing so because i have not paid £50 for the years membership.

I only go to see a couple of shows a year. But people like me are being told to get to the back of the queue if you don't pay us £50. RIP OFF and GREED are at the heart of this little gem of a scheme.    

There’s always* been a membership option for Sheffield Theatres. 


There’s always* been a fee for it. 


There’s always* been a benefit of advanced bookings


Why is it a problem now?


*always is a long time, in this case it’s as long as I can remember. 

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