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Farage backs down in libel case

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After casting aspersions on the widower of Jo Cox and accusing him of backing groups "who masquerade as being lovely and peaceful, but actually pursue violent and undemocratic means.” Farage has now withdrawn his comment and promised not to repeat it.


Maybe he should also withdraw the rest of the lies he's spouted over the years.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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Aye, we all know what kind of person he is, the Guy that got us out of the corrupt EU. And it still rankles to some misguided folk.




Sir Nige’ will be forever remembered as the idiot who caused the value of sterling to drop by 10% overnight. And some folk still want to give him a knighthood

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Sir Nige’ will be forever remembered as the idiot who caused the value of sterling to drop by 10% overnight. And some folk still want to give him a knighthood


Knighthood? Within 5 years it won’t be safe for him to set foot in the UK

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