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Barcelona- van ploughs into crowd

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Do you think our government or governments around the world have magic answers? We've done "something". We're bombing the **** out of Syria. We've done "something else" and left Afghanistan. The government were/are putting together a snoopers charter - that might help, albeit at the expense of mine and your privacy. Anything else?

to win the propaganda war against the extremists? making people who may be susceptible to it inclusive and willing to join in with society? instead of pushing them away? and into the arms of the murderous lunatics?

without cannon fodder ISIS are nothing, those at the top wont die for their beliefs

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to win the propaganda war against the extremists? making people who may be susceptible to it inclusive and willing to join in with society? instead of pushing them away? and into the arms of the murderous lunatics?

without cannon fodder ISIS are nothing, those at the top wont die for their beliefs


All well and good IF they have any intention of joining in with society, I would suspect a fair few wont.

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to win the propaganda war against the extremists? making people who may be susceptible to it inclusive and willing to join in with society? instead of pushing them away? and into the arms of the murderous lunatics?

without cannon fodder ISIS are nothing, those at the top wont die for their beliefs

When in Rome do as the Romans do.

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Great. What action could we take?


There lies the problem. Any real action that is taken will no doubt be seen as attacking muslims as a whole. We could close the madrassas where radical thinking is taught, close mosques for the same reason, intern anyone who is suspected of plotting attacks or sympathizing with terrorists, put heavy round the clock surveillance on mainly muslim housing estates and places where they gather, give whole life tariffs to anyone convicted of a terrorist attack or plot.

Non of this would work though and thats the problem.

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Does any of that have an effect here at home?...Apart from maybe ...Just maybe...the snoopers charter...


---------- Post added 18-08-2017 at 14:31 ----------



Well lets turn the question..Your answer is to do nothing?


I know your question is 'loaded'...


Of course we should do something. But we need to something that won't curtail my rights and your rights. Something that won't alienate Muslims even further and create more jihadist nutjobs. Maybe not get involved in Middle East affairs any more might be a start but we've let the proverbial genie out of the bottle.


Clenching our fists and raging at the sky for someone somewhere to do something won't solve the problem anymore than dimming the lights on the Eiffel Tower.


---------- Post added 18-08-2017 at 15:14 ----------


to win the propaganda war against the extremists? making people who may be susceptible to it inclusive and willing to join in with society? instead of pushing them away? and into the arms of the murderous lunatics?

without cannon fodder ISIS are nothing, those at the top wont die for their beliefs


That's a cop out Mel. There are quite literally thousands of Muslims in this country, some more westernised than others, who rub along with the rest of us no problem at all.

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When in Rome do as the Romans do.

yeah and its working innit? :roll::help:


---------- Post added 18-08-2017 at 15:47 ----------



That's a cop out Mel. There are quite literally thousands of Muslims in this country, some more westernised than others, who rub along with the rest of us no problem at all.

yup, and?


why is it a cop out?


if you look at those that have fell for the ISIS propaganda both domestically, carrying out these attacks, and those that ran away to Syria etc a few things pop out quite a lot.


They are young, mostly male (but not always)

A lot of backgrounds of petty crime, violence, drugs etc (again but not all)

Some have been mentioned by family and friends as people who are easily lead.

Quite a lot feel alienated, isolated, angry, not part of society and are looking for something else with their life. Its what young people often do feel like in a lot of ways, why people get drawn into various gangs, musical subcultures, drugs scene etc


Not sure why you feel its a copout, to me it makes perfect sense to try and win the propaganda war and bring these towards us, not against us.


Currently we arent winning anything and these attacks will keep on happening. nor should we keep attacking those that are a part of our society, and threaten to drive those into the arms of the extremists too.

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Islam also needs to reform, there are those that take the Koran literally, like the man who rang LBC this morning saying that he agreed with the chopping off of limbs as a punishment for stealing.



Edited by crazybaby
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Islam also needs to reform, there are those that take the Koran literally, like the man who rang LBC this morning saying that he agreed with the chopping off of limbs as a punishment for stealing.




May I ask a question?


Is it Islamophobia to be worried / scared of people / things in that article there?


Serious question.

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