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Armed police on South View 09/05/2017

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Just been advised (2:45pm) that there are armed police currently on South View Road in Sharrow.


Anyone got any snaps or know owt about what's going on?


---------- Post added 09-05-2017 at 14:50 ----------


There are now shouts of "Armed police!" on the street. [14:50]


---------- Post added 09-05-2017 at 14:53 ----------


Now shouts of "Hands on your head, get down on your knees!" [14:53]


---------- Post added 09-05-2017 at 14:56 ----------


It's reported to me that it is a very big raid with many police involved so it could be very serious indeed [14:56]


---------- Post added 09-05-2017 at 15:06 ----------


It's reported to me that the cops involved are all wearing black riot gear with helmets and body armour. Shouting still ongoing. At least 6 officers engaged with ancillary officers redirecting traffic and pedestrians. Armed police on site too. [15:06]


---------- Post added 09-05-2017 at 15:32 ----------


The police have now left [15:30]


---------- Post added 09-05-2017 at 16:38 ----------


Short report in The Sheffield Star which doesn't give much away:




More details to follow later, they say.

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It's my mum they have quoted in the Star, so funny they've called it Rampant Road - it's given us a good laugh that has.



...Just noticed they have now corrected it.

Edited by dirend
correct now.
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You may be surprised to learn that polices forces are not limited by force fields at county borders.


Very true. I was apprehended by three forces once and they were arguing who got to take me in because of who was on scene first and which shire they were in.


Actually, reading that back, that sounds a lot more serious than it actually was!

Edited by alchresearch
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  • 2 months later...
It's my mum they have quoted in the Star, so funny they've called it Rampant Road - it's given us a good laugh that has.



...Just noticed they have now corrected it.

Hi Diane it's me Carole I'm really shocked to learn this, Hope your mum is ok bless her.xx

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Hi Diane it's me Carole I'm really shocked to learn this, Hope your mum is ok bless her.xx


Oh my goodness, hello Carole. Fancy meeting you on here! My mum is fine thank you, you ought to pop over and say hello some time it would be lovely to see you.

Di xxx

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Oh my goodness, hello Carole. Fancy meeting you on here! My mum is fine thank you, you ought to pop over and say hello some time it would be lovely to see you.

Di xxx


Hi Diane yes that would be very nice to see you all again..

Will deffo pop up, I will pm you when I get chance.xx

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