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Racist, sexually abusive, self obsessed president elect

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Racist, sexually abusive, self obsessed president


This may be undesirable but not something that should prevent him from becoming president or reason to protest. I would suggest most people who make their way to the top of society, into an image propelled position could be seen as self obsessed.

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Racist, sexually abusive, self obsessed president


This may be undesirable but not something that should prevent him from becoming president or reason to protest. I would suggest most people who make their way to the top of society, into an image propelled position could be seen as self obsessed.


Might want to reword that, I nearly jumped on you for saying someone who was sexually abusive shouldn't be prevented from becoming President! Then read again...

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I suppose he knows where the money is coming from,trillion dollars on infrastructure,military built up,huge tax cuts,wall around Mexico,or he wouldn't be planning them,when Obama announced stimulus,Congress introduced a debt control bill of some sort,so Trump promising even more stimulus than Obama should make for interesting times ahead.

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I suppose he knows where the money is coming from,trillion dollars on infrastructure,military built up,huge tax cuts,wall around Mexico,or he wouldn't be planning them,when Obama announced stimulus,Congress introduced a debt control bill of some sort,so Trump promising even more stimulus than Obama should make for interesting times ahead.


When you look at the policies where it doesnt involve banning muslims or shipping out mexicans, he's pretty left wing for a republican. Hes going to REPLACE obama care - the other republican candidates would have just binned it. Hes got no problem with gay rights/marriage - unlike an awfu lot of other republicans. As you point out theres going to be a fair bit of stimulus.....


.....IF he gets it voted through. He might be a bit of lefty republican, the rest arent. And hes a liar, a big fat mysoginist liar with a history of changing his views depending on which way the wind blows - the Wall is already looking like a fence and theyve already got one. Hes got no political experience at all so on a domestic front, that might be a help - a fresh set of eyes. On the world stage that could be downright dangerous and could spark wars - proper ones.


As you said, interesting times.

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I'd like to wipe ISIS from the face of the earth too. Can I be president now?

Of course you can, you don't need my permission, after all it's nothing to do with me, I was born in the U.K.

As I understand it all you need to do is be born in the USA, have plenty of money and get enough votes, so it's fairly simple, good luck.

On second thoughts Bruce Springsteen sounds an ideal candidate.

He's already the Boss.

Edited by gomgeg
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