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Too many traffic lights?

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I'm sick and tired of taxi drivers who stop in the road to pick up passengers thereby holding up the flow of traffic, don't indicate when turning, do u turns in the middle of the road and generally don't obey the Highway Code


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There are too many traffic lights between West Street and the University Roundabout.


3 pelican crossings within a very short distance which is a nightmare at 5pm when work & uni kicks out.


That bit of road would benefit from 1 large crossing and a walk way over the road


I agree completely. Too many traffic lights around the University of Sheffield and the West Street. Some of them are not much used by the pedestrians.

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I'm new to the area. I've lived in a few different places around the UK and I've never experienced traffic light overkill as I do living near Hillsborough.


I've also never experienced such badly maintained roads and potholes. I've often wondered if the cost of all the lighting is preventing money being spent on safer surfaces.

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This is why sheffield save money with christmas lights as theres lights every were changing,this council do not like the flow of traffics at All,Why?just amazes people,then the put a Fire station on a road thats full of traffic lights at the back of the new market how can that be sensible

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I'm new to the area. I've lived in a few different places around the UK and I've never experienced traffic light overkill as I do living near Hillsborough.


I've also never experienced such badly maintained roads and potholes. I've often wondered if the cost of all the lighting is preventing money being spent on safer surfaces.


The cost of replacing the street lights is a part of the £2.1 Billion pound scheme to resurface

all the roads and footpaths in Sheffield.The resurfacing is taking place around

Hillsborough at the moment. It makes sense to replace the lights first

as holes have to be dug to connect the new lights

Edited by bazjea
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I'm sick and tired of taxi drivers who stop in the road to pick up passengers thereby holding up the flow of traffic, don't indicate when turning, do u turns in the middle of the road and generally don't obey the Highway Code


I've never agreed with somebody so much.

You can add: cruising down a main road at 10mph looking for people to pick up, thus holding back traffic behind them, to that list too.

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Does anyone know the reason for this type of light, can only assume it's for HGVs?




You usually find this type of traffic light system on fast stretches of road so as to give a view of the lights from a greater distance and to make them more noticeable due to being more of them.

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Minister says council planners are too quick to install traffic lights and its slowing traffic.


I have to agree. In Sheffield its worse than most. Penistone road and the top of Hanover way are shocking. For a 4 mile journey its about 1 every 150 yards. Will planners listen or does congestion play into a plan to demonise motorists?

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