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Rowell Bridge Loxley Valley

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What is it about the give way signs on this bridge that people don't understand? Can't count number of times I've come down Rowell Lane to go over bridge towards Stannington that I've been almost forced off the road by these idiots who don't know what give way signs and red and black arrows mean!

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What is it about the give way signs on this bridge that people don't understand? Can't count number of times I've come down Rowell Lane to go over bridge towards Stannington that I've been almost forced off the road by these idiots who don't know what give way signs and red and black arrows mean!


I don't use that road very often, but it does seem more common than in other places. Most of these bottlenecks that I use are in built up areas with generally slower traffic. In this case, I think some drivers perceive it as a faster road and so they think they can race to get through first, and just misjudge the closing speed of the car coming the other way.

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I use this route regularly and find that when the trees are in full leaf the view of cars coming down from Loxley is obscured. The only times I've been caught out here, that is crossing the Give Way lines, is when someone is coming down towards the bridge at an inappropriate speed.


However, that doesn't excuse the number of drivers who cannot use the obscured view as an excuse.

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Me and the OH were coming down Rowell Lane last week to visit his ma up stanno and this tiny little yellow citreon came speeding over the bridge and luckily the OH slowed down anticipating this to happen as he said it happens all the time.. If you didnt know that bridge very well you wouldnt think of having to slow to let others through as there is a MASSIVE sign showing right of way!!


It is an accident waiting to happen though as some people come down Rowell Lane at very fast speeds! I've done it myself..

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There is one in the Mayfield Vally,One at Loxley and another at the top of Worrall and I use them frequently.The amount of times that I have to stop abruptly is regular.I really would like to rant,but the fact is I drive through these areas at below the speed limit as I know there is a good chance of someone ignoring the signs.Still makes me see red though.

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I cycle down Rowell Lane most days from Loxley Road and I can see the on-coming traffic very clearly as it is higher ground however the stop lines are on the other side from Stannington/Storrs so they should stop and the frequently don't.

Fortunatly I can see them set off so I'm aware of them coming but as I never come from there direction I don't know what view of me they have.

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It is similar with drivers going up hagg hill-rivilen, the sign on the left shows you have the right of way, as you go round the corner and yet you always get drivers stopping on the hill.


Lol noticed this yesterday when going up there. Someone slowed down and they didn't need to, arghhhh its your right of way, keep going!!!!

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I am sure that the drivers going up Hag Hill use it on a regular basis,and whilst its annoying that they stop,they certainly know the amont of vehicles coming from Crosspool or Bole Hill Road that go across without stopping is frequent

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Lol noticed this yesterday when going up there. Someone slowed down and they didn't need to, arghhhh its your right of way, keep going!!!!


Yes, this is a massive problem. Adds at least a couple of seconds onto a journey time just because some idiot decides to slow down and make sure it's safe at the junction. Morons.

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