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Alcohol being sold in schools

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I went to my daughters school play tonight. I was surprised that they no longer sold tea; but they were selling bottles of Budweiser.

I dont thing selling alcohol on school grounds is the right thing to do; I have experienced this before.

What do you think, is this the face of a 'cafe culture'?

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As long as they weren't selling it to kids then it is ok.


What problem do you see with it?


It would be wrong for the teachers to drink it, it would be setting a bad example, ditto the parents, legal, yes.

Prostitution is legal too, but I dont think the school should be letting out classrooms.

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It would be wrong for the teachers to drink it, it would be setting a bad example, ditto the parents, legal, yes.

Prostitution is legal too, but I dont think the school should be letting out classrooms.

if its off school time it doesnt matter whos drinking it as long as theyre legal

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Do you need a alcohol liecence to sell alcohol and consume it ? I don't think that right to sell and encourage alcohol on school premises.


Lots of red tape involved in selling alcohol.


"Free drinking water must be provided to customers on request."


"If your premises (your pub, bar or club, for example) sells or supplies alcohol, you must hold an age verification policy."



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But did the school have a license to sell it?

dont know, generally they dont sell if they dont, like here, my youngest does pantos at the local village hall, they sell beer during the shows...for the adults


ive no idea if they have a license, i presume they do (if not im sure theyd get busted)

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I went to my daughters school play tonight. I was surprised that they no longer sold tea; but they were selling bottles of Budweiser.

I dont thing selling alcohol on school grounds is the right thing to do; I have experienced this before.

What do you think, is this the face of a 'cafe culture'?


2 things:


1. If was a betting man, I would bet this will have lots of posts in the coming days


2. Did you end up having anything to drink, if so, what was it?

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