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What has happened to the Gleadless Valley.

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Have you any ideas for a solution? (serious question) These kids need housing somewhere, (though IMO they should be with their own families, and have been brought up better.) Let's face it the problems run deep and are very complex. Where do you start?
Re-education camps.
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Like I said in my previous post, Gleadless Valley is a large area and the part being criticised is a few shops and a few streets. Of course there are pockets, as everywhere but the majority is well looked after. Even affluent areas have neglected houses and gardens and even "indoor gardens." I think it's unfair to generalise and judge Gleadless Valley on the behaviour of a minority.


I agree, and the 'chavs' cannot win can they, play football with their kids and they are destroying wonderful greenery, where as everyone played outside with a ball in the 1960s - so what the solution then - sit in front of a play station and eat junk food?


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 08:01 ----------


What's wrong with meeting in the evenings? People used to do this all the time.


I am tired, its as simple as that. I don't have the energy I once had. :roll::hihi:

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You may well be right.



Have you any ideas for a solution? (serious question) These kids need housing somewhere, (though IMO they should be with their own families, and have been brought up better.) Let's face it the problems run deep and are very complex. Where do you start?


Maybe we need some more public information films about dropping litter etc and having pride in your property etc. A bit pathetic I know, but something has to be done. But what?

Nobody should be allowed a property until they are over 21, pregnant girls should be the responsibility of the parents not the council, why should they get properties just because she couldn't say no. All prospective tenants should be vetted and their living conditions inspected, that's what happened to my wife and myself. In fact pre war you couldn't put your name on the housing list until you were married, what's wrong with that. Also the swing of more immigrants is I'm sure exceeding government rules, where I live the ratio is over 33%. All these things mentioned in all the posts have brought this estate to its knees sadly.

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Nobody should be allowed a property until they are over 21, pregnant girls should be the responsibility of the parents not the council, why should they get properties just because she couldn't say no. All prospective tenants should be vetted and their living conditions inspected, that's what happened to my wife and myself. In fact pre war you couldn't put your name on the housing list until you were married, what's wrong with that. Also the swing of more immigrants is I'm sure exceeding government rules, where I live the ratio is over 33%. All these things mentioned in all the posts have brought this estate to its knees sadly.


But it's not all the estate is it it's a small area?

Talking about responsibility for pregnant girls, perhaps the fathers of the babies should also say no.

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But it's not all the estate is it it's a small area?

Talking about responsibility for pregnant girls, perhaps the fathers of the babies should also say no.


And, its not just this estate is it, there are other estates in Sheffield, and further afield that if anything are much worse.


It seems to me that Gleadless Valley attracts a large number people, who for some reason or another want to 'bash' the place.


I wonder if its because Blackstock Road is a busy road, and people pass through on a daily commute, whereas other estates are less on the beaten path, the problems are not seen so much

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And, its not just this estate is it, there are other estates in Sheffield, and further afield that if anything are much worse.


It seems to me that Gleadless Valley attracts a large number people, who for some reason or another want to 'bash' the place.


I wonder if its because Blackstock Road is a busy road, and people pass through on a daily commute, whereas other estates are less on the beaten path, the problems are not seen so much


I think it's because Gleadless was once especially nice, Modern but beautifully landscaped with good facilities and wide range of different dwellings. It was an award winner. It was argued then, that if you put people in nice surroundings (a lot of people were being rehoused from slum clearance after the war,) they would prosper and flourish. Which they did for a while.


Then it all went downhill, (well not all, but you know what I mean,) and people are asking why. In fact the same question could be asked of many areas in Sheffield. What happened. Where did personal pride go?

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And, its not just this estate is it, there are other estates in Sheffield, and further afield that if anything are much worse.


It seems to me that Gleadless Valley attracts a large number people, who for some reason or another want to 'bash' the place.


I wonder if its because Blackstock Road is a busy road, and people pass through on a daily commute, whereas other estates are less on the beaten path, the problems are not seen so much

I'm not bashing the place, I've had the privilege of living here for fifty years, so I've seen its demise first hand and it's not the decent people who have brought the place down, it's the problem people and some of the immigrants that's done that but most of the immigrants are quiet and keep themselves to themselves. One male idiot who has been given a one bedroom flat, rides his bike in the early hours singing at the top of his voice, other tenants can be arguing from dusk to dawn keeping people awake, then blame neighbours for ringing 101. Scum!

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Seems to me the council is a 'tooth less tiger' where anti social tenants are concerned. Instead of 'pussy footing around get rid of the muppets who make life rotten for the decent folks. If they still live with parents. throw the lot out! parent shouild be made to be resposible for thier obnoxious off spring. To many 'do gooders' in my mind. WHEN will this country take control and sort the rotten apples out of the tub?

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And, its not just this estate is it, there are other estates in Sheffield, and further afield that if anything are much worse.


It seems to me that Gleadless Valley attracts a large number people, who for some reason or another want to 'bash' the place.


I wonder if its because Blackstock Road is a busy road, and people pass through on a daily commute, whereas other estates are less on the beaten path, the problems are not seen so much


Your could maybe charge people to drive through spring close view/spring close mount/Dell etc as a bit of a theme park as it's not visible from blackstock road unfortunately. "The Jeremy Kyle theme park" has a certain ring to it and could boost the local economy. I'd be looking to open an E-Cig shop up there as soon as planning permission was granted.

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