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Republican presidential hopeful, Trump mocks disabled

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I don't know why anyone worries about him. His supporters will think it's funny but won't be able to find their way to the polling both while everyone else votes for Hilary. The next US election is a shoe in for the Clinton dynasty so just keep an eye on Chelsea.

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George W Bush wasn't dumb? You've seen him on TV haven't you?


He's a hoot.


It's not my problem if you can't tell when somebody is grandstanding to their voter base. Like Reagan, G.W. Bush is no intellectual (álthough he is more of an intellectual than Reagan was). But that doesn't mean either of them are or were stupid.

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This isn't the first faux pas, the man is more of a bumbling buffoon than the lovechild of Boris Johnson, Katie Hopkins and Prince Philip would be.


He appeals to the increasing nationalistic underbelly of the West though, far worse than this mess-up was his suggestion that the US should consider badges for Muslims so they can be identified more easily.

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