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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Sent back to what? Have you seen the countries these people are running from? Have you seen who is responsible? We in the west caused this, if we have an ounce of compassion left in this country these people will be helped by us.




13 million people in Yemen struggling to find enough to eat, Oxfam

reports 6.5 million people on brink of starvation with medicines scarce


yet surrounded by the richest nations on the planet ....ALL MUSLIM......**** off with your hypocritical garbage and emotional blackmail

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Apart from selling arms, guns, missiles and bombs which the corrupt governments are now killing their own people with.

And apart from sending troops into foreign places, displacing leaders and killing their people and way of life.


Apart from years of colonial rule, opression and slavery.


Apart from that the west has nothing to do with it.:loopy:


---------- Post added 20-08-2015 at 12:00 ----------



its the funniest thing i think ive seen on SF.

People have short memories.

Short memories is about right mate.

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Ive not read the whole thread, I'm pretty tired of all the emotionally charged venting be it for and against.


Whatever we say, unless it's what people wish to hear it gets twisted out of context.


Am I racist? No, but I think being realistic often gets you labelled a racist.


I've just read that 800,000 migrants are expected to enter Germany this year!!

800,00!! That's 800,000 that need or expect to be fed or sheltered and given the opportunity to begin a new life.....800,000!!!

Seriously how can any nation accept an influx of that proportion.

I feel desperate for these poor souls, to give up everything, to leave behind loved ones and to go to other countries where you are visibally hated takes guts! Huge guts! So what must have driven them in the first place?

But I don't think this mass migration is the answer not only are these people losing their own country and culture they are in effect diluting the culture of where they go. If you are Syrian then you should be allowed to live in Syria if you are mecadonian you should be allowed to live in mecadonia.

Personally and forgive my ignorance I'm no economist or scholar but I think the world really needs to join forces and sort this out and help these countries regain their identity.

It rips my heart out when I see kids the same age as my own who have nothing through no fault of their own but for power seeking ideologists who should remember we are now in the 21st century. The damage that these narrow minded organisations have caused globally really have no place in this world.

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Slovakia is now refusing to take Muslim refugees ( Christians only ) so as not to cause an imbalance in their country and Macedonia has declared the country in a state of emergency and are using troops to stop refugees entering their country as the BBC news showed them using tear gas to force the refugees back as they are arriving by the train load and they are unable to cope with the over whelming numbers who are attempting to enter the European Union through their country.


This situation is developing into a world wide problem of mass migration from countries which are in conflict and people who would like a better life in the west.

There will be a time when it is not possible to relocate to the west as the sheer numbers of migrants wishing to relocate will reach saturation, so the answer will have to be for the western countries to help the poorer countries to develop so that their people are able to have hope of a better life in their homeland.

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Slovakia is now refusing to take Muslim refugees ( Christians only ) so as not to cause an imbalance in their country and Macedonia has declared the country in a state of emergency and are using troops to stop refugees entering their country as the BBC news showed them using tear gas to force the refugees back as they are arriving by the train load and they are unable to cope with the over whelming numbers who are attempting to enter the European Union through their country.


This situation is developing into a world wide problem of mass migration from countries which are in conflict and people who would like a better life in the west.

There will be a time when it is not possible to relocate to the west as the sheer numbers of migrants wishing to relocate will reach saturation, so the answer will have to be for the western countries to help the poorer countries to develop so that their people are able to have hope of a better life in their homeland.


I don't think any of western countries have a problem with that. But until we can be certain that any financial aid offered would actually be used for its intended purpose and not simply used to buy more arms or moved into personal off shore accounts then it will remain stalemate. Like has been said before its tragic that these people have to migrate. Life is such a precious thing yet in these far flung lands life is deemed virtually worthless. I hope in my lifetime I get to look back and think what a mess it was back then.


Greed (in all its forms) shows no bounds - it's relentless.

Pity those foolish enough to want ever more.

Edited by mrcharlie
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as neutral on the subject so dont shoot me down, read an article today. Quotes from those in the jungle, camp in calais. amusing, if not a little naive views on what they think england is like.



I'm chasing my hope because I want to study in the University of Cambridge," says Amaamer, 27, from Sudan. "It's a famous university. Since I was in secondary school I wanted to go there."

"I'm not just going there because I think it's easy," he adds.

Robah, 19, from Ethiopia says he wants to study in the UK, which he says is a "good place to be a student". Diafu, 21, from Ethiopia, also thinks he will be able to study in Britain. Diafu is angry at Britain's efforts to keep migrants out - which he sums up as "more fences, more security, sniffer dogs" - but he says whatever happens he will keep trying to cross the Channel.

Amir, 24, explains that his home country of Sudan was under British-Egyptian rule until 1956, and says this historical link is still important. "People don't know any country, only England," he says. "I know the history of England." He also says the process of applying for legal status in Britain is "very fast".

But Amir, who is helping to build a school to teach English and French in the Calais migrants camp, known as the Jungle, says he has decided to claim asylum in France.

"England is not a dreamland," he says.

His friend Wiel, 25, disagrees.

Sipping sugary tea boiled on a stove in a hut he helped to build, he says England is his "dream country", adding: "I will try until I cross."

"England is more friendly than France. People in France reject us," says Amir.

Ibrahim, 26, from Sudan, also believes better opportunities await across the Channel. "In England you get a big house," he says.


France is no good," says Robah. "In France there is no home and you spend months sleeping in the streets. It's different in England. They give you a house then you can wait while you get documents.

"In England they give you documents after three months but in France you wait much longer."

People speak English there," says 21-year-old Mole, from Sudan.

It might seem strange, but many migrants give answers as simple as this when asked what they know about Britain. "People who speak English want to go there," Mole says. He says English is "easy to learn" and is the language most often used between migrants who do not have the same mother tongue.

Mohammad, 27, says Britain is a "good country". "Everyone likes it," he says.

Asked what he knows about it, he shrugs and says: "I have friends in Stoke." He says he has been to Britain once - in 2004 - but was deported to Iraq. All he is sure of is that he prefers Britain to France.

The UK government understand our problems and they would give us protection," says 27-year-old Mustapha. He says he has tried to reach Britain 20 times, and getting there will "save my life". If he succeeds, he says British freedoms will enable him to campaign for change in his "very dangerous" home country of Ethiopia.


Mohamed, 43, has a wife and six children in his country, Egypt, and he believes if he reaches the UK they will be allowed to join him. "I want them safe and me safe too," he says. "England is the best country to help them. In England they will keep me safe."


There is a man I love so much - David Beckham," says Alpha, a Mauritanian carpenter who has built a thatched house in the Jungle camp. "Even my house is called David Beckham House."

Alpha says he has accepted he will not cross the Channel - but like many migrants he still dreams of doing so, saying he would work "every day" in Britain.


---------- Post added 16-08-2015 at 14:46 ----------


Sorry about the long paras, on a phone!


This is so sad as I know this to be mostly untrue. I give a bed to destitute women asylum seekers who have been on the streets for lack of money when they have had their applications rejected. They go through hell and back again as their appeals are submitted. Often their cases are initially unsuccessful as they have been inadequately represented. They have sold their jewelery and any other possessions to survive, before the charity ASSIST helps them.

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The BBC have helped in what seems to be a massive confusion between refugees and economic migrants.


Take the people who are as we speak forcing their way physically into Macedonia. These people aren't escaping war. They already escaped war when they got to the first safe country (also many aren't from war torn countries, just poor ones). Now they have decided that they don't want to stay in Greece because of the economic crisis - they want to head to the richer northern countries. So basically they don't want to just escape their own countries, they also want to bypass any country which does not meet their wealth criteria. This isn't being a refugee, this is being an economic migrant.


The BBC are very eager to show Macedonian soldiers as heartless brutes holding back the migrants with force, focussing on crying children getting caught up in the ruckus. They sweep under the carpet however, the fact that the Macedonians are happy to process the migrants, but at a manageable rate of a few hundred a day. The migrants weren't happy with this though, resulting in the scenes of migrants pushing their way through the borders with their children.


The migrants need to be separated from the genuine asylum seekers. Every poor person in the world can't just head for Germany and the UK - that just results in a lowering of the home nation's quality of life. And equally refugees can't just pick and choose which country they want to live in, with no money for housing or to be able tk start an actual life without assistance. This has to be left up to the EU.

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I have to agree with you Barry .

I do not watch television, I listen to radio 4. The news on the radio is very different. The reporter explained that the families were being allowed through the border a few hundred at a time, as trains were scheduled to leave, but there are only four trains per day.

I can understand this as Macedonia is not a large or rich country and there would be even less help available to the thousands of people at the border.

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13 million people in Yemen struggling to find enough to eat, Oxfam

reports 6.5 million people on brink of starvation with medicines scarce


yet surrounded by the richest nations on the planet ....ALL MUSLIM......**** off with your hypocritical garbage and emotional blackmail


Bang on there JC.

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13 million people in Yemen struggling to find enough to eat, Oxfam

reports 6.5 million people on brink of starvation with medicines scarce


yet surrounded by the richest nations on the planet ....ALL MUSLIM......**** off with your hypocritical garbage and emotional blackmail


You don't understand Muslim sects/rivalries otherwise you wouldn't have posted this garbage post, why don't you **** off with your anti Muslim posting. :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 23-08-2015 at 22:29 ----------


Bang on there JC.


Read post 210 to john cocker, it applys to you as well. :rolleyes:

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