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The BNP Megathread - Post ALL BNP related stuff HERE!

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The BNPpolitical party that claims to stand up for English people does not even support the national football team.

During thelast World Cup the BNP called for supporters to back teams other than England in protest at the number of black players in the squad. The BNP even urged support for Denmark - an all-white team. They claimed that this made them a better side than the multiracial England team.


Unfortunately for the BNP the Danes were thrashed by England, with the first goal scored by Rio Ferdinand.


One northern BNP organiser even declared that he could not support England because of the "six Negroids" in the team. :(


That is an insult to the England team, England fans and the country as a whole. It is also an insult to the black England players who are proud to wear the national shirt


false patriots:confused:

What a telling post, Teabag. Would love love to see Roy squirm on this one....

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Nick Griffin has a history of holocaust denial and has in the past made anti-Semitic remarks.


In issue 11 of the BNP publication 'The Rune' he called the Holocaust "the Holohoax" and criticised the Holocaust revisionist David Irving for admitting in an interview that some Jews might have died in the Holocaust. Griffin wrote: "True Revisionists will not be fooled by this new twist to the sorry tale of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century."


In his defence during his 1998 prosecution Griffin said: "I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat ... I have reached the conclusion that the 'extermination' tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria."


Griffin's 1997 pamphlet "Who Are The Mindbenders" alleged that a cabal of Jews controlled the British media. His more recent public stance in this area is illustrated by the section "It's all a Zionist scam" in his "Chairman's Column" "Dealing with peak oil criticisms", BNP website, September 23, 2005. The BNP currently has a Jewish councillor, Patricia Richardson, and has stated that it has Jewish members.


Nick Griffin is a married man with children who has expressed homophobic views. After David Copeland's 1999 bombing of the gay Admiral Duncan pub in Soho, London, Griffin wrote: "The TV footage of dozens of ‘gay’ demonstrators flaunting their perversion in front of the world’s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures so repulsive." (Spearhead magazine, June 1999.)


Allegedly provoked in part by this comment, Martin Webster, for whose ousting from the NF leadership Griffin was partially responsible, subsequently published a leaflet, "Come for an 'Outing' Down Memory Lane", which claimed that he and Griffin had a 4-year homosexual relationship that ended in 1981. This story was reported in "Gay Tiff Reveals Soft Side of Far Right" by Tom Robbins, Sunday Times, September 5, 1999. Griffin has repeatedly denied Webster's claims, but so far has not taken up the invitation to sue him.


Convicted BNP leadership and organisers


Tony Lecomber was jailed for possessing explosives in 1985, after a nail bomb exploded while he was carrying it near the offices of the Workers' Revolutionary Party; and for assault in 1991, when he almost killed a man on the London Underground. He was Nick Griffin's key deputy in the party from 1999 until January 2006.


Kevin Scott, the BNP's North East regional organiser, has two convictions for assault and using threatening words and behaviour.


Joe Owens, a BNP candidate in Merseyside and former bodyguard to Nick Griffin, He has served eight months in prison for sending razor blades in the post to Jewish people and another term for carrying CS gas and knuckledusters.


Tony Wentworth, BNP student organiser, was convicted alongside Mr Owens for assaulting demonstrators at an anti-BNP event in 2003.[44]

Jason Douglas, a BNP candidate in the 2004 London local elections, is a convicted football hooligan.


Mick Treacy, the Oldham organiser has five convictions for violence, theft, and handling stolen goods.


Colin Smith, BNP South East London organiser has 17 convictions for burglary, theft, stealing cars, possession of drugs and assaulting a police officer.

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Nick Griffin has a history of holocaust denial and has in the past made anti-Semitic remarks.


In issue 11 of the BNP publication 'The Rune' he called the Holocaust "the Holohoax" and criticised the Holocaust revisionist David Irving for admitting in an interview that some Jews might have died in the Holocaust. Griffin wrote: "True Revisionists will not be fooled by this new twist to the sorry tale of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century."


In his defence during his 1998 prosecution Griffin said: "I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat ... I have reached the conclusion that the 'extermination' tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria."


Griffin's 1997 pamphlet "Who Are The Mindbenders" alleged that a cabal of Jews controlled the British media. His more recent public stance in this area is illustrated by the section "It's all a Zionist scam" in his "Chairman's Column" "Dealing with peak oil criticisms", BNP website, September 23, 2005. The BNP currently has a Jewish councillor, Patricia Richardson, and has stated that it has Jewish members.


Nick Griffin is a married man with children who has expressed homophobic views. After David Copeland's 1999 bombing of the gay Admiral Duncan pub in Soho, London, Griffin wrote: "The TV footage of dozens of ‘gay’ demonstrators flaunting their perversion in front of the world’s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures so repulsive." (Spearhead magazine, June 1999.)


Allegedly provoked in part by this comment, Martin Webster, for whose ousting from the NF leadership Griffin was partially responsible, subsequently published a leaflet, "Come for an 'Outing' Down Memory Lane", which claimed that he and Griffin had a 4-year homosexual relationship that ended in 1981. This story was reported in "Gay Tiff Reveals Soft Side of Far Right" by Tom Robbins, Sunday Times, September 5, 1999. Griffin has repeatedly denied Webster's claims, but so far has not taken up the invitation to sue him.


Convicted BNP leadership and organisers


Tony Lecomber was jailed for possessing explosives in 1985, after a nail bomb exploded while he was carrying it near the offices of the Workers' Revolutionary Party; and for assault in 1991, when he almost killed a man on the London Underground. He was Nick Griffin's key deputy in the party from 1999 until January 2006.


Kevin Scott, the BNP's North East regional organiser, has two convictions for assault and using threatening words and behaviour.


Joe Owens, a BNP candidate in Merseyside and former bodyguard to Nick Griffin, He has served eight months in prison for sending razor blades in the post to Jewish people and another term for carrying CS gas and knuckledusters.


Tony Wentworth, BNP student organiser, was convicted alongside Mr Owens for assaulting demonstrators at an anti-BNP event in 2003.[44]

Jason Douglas, a BNP candidate in the 2004 London local elections, is a convicted football hooligan.


Mick Treacy, the Oldham organiser has five convictions for violence, theft, and handling stolen goods.


Colin Smith, BNP South East London organiser has 17 convictions for burglary, theft, stealing cars, possession of drugs and assaulting a police officer.


its looking like a strong reliable party then!

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In the current climate the major emphasis of the BNP's electoral propaganda appears to be anti-Islamic, alleging widespread support of extremism and terrorism amongst the Muslim community. Despite this, the BNP arguably has some overlapping ideological convergences with Islamist extremism. When current leader Nick Griffin was still a member of the National Front, he appealed to Ayotolla Khomeini and Colonel Gadaffi for funding, and both were praised in the NF's publications.


hypocrisy you choose:huh: :hihi:

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The BNPpolitical party that claims to stand up for English people does not even support the national football team.

During thelast World Cup the BNP called for supporters to back teams other than England in protest at the number of black players in the squad. The BNP even urged support for Denmark - an all-white team. They claimed that this made them a better side than the multiracial England team.


Unfortunately for the BNP the Danes were thrashed by England, with the first goal scored by Rio Ferdinand.


One northern BNP organiser even declared that he could not support England because of the "six Negroids" in the team. :(


That is an insult to the England team, England fans and the country as a whole. It is also an insult to the black England players who are proud to wear the national shirt


false patriots:confused:




Please point me to the BNP publication that ran this story :loopy:


Just another Searchlies smear no proof but so what the mugs will believe it .

Teabag you should read a bit more not just the freeby pushed out by the great unwashed .

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its looking like a strong reliable party then!

Robert Bennett. A leading activist in Oldham BNP , Bennett has served five years in prison for the gang rape of a woman. He has also served seven years for armed robbery and has over 30 convictions in total. :(

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its looking like a strong reliable party then!


The BNP is opposed to mixed-race relationships on the stated ground that ethnic differences must be preserved; it argues that when a white person produces a mixed-race child, "a white family line that stretches back into deep pre-history is destroyed", a position generally accepted as white supremacy.

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