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Quitting smoking, how you did it or how you failed

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When I was young, everybody smoked, or just about everybody. and one could smoke just about anywhere. As we all know it is a whole different world today and smoking anywhere but at home or in your car, is not allowed. Would love to hear how people did stop or failed to stop. It took me 50 years and many failed attempts to finally beat the habit.

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When I was young, everybody smoked, or just about everybody. and one could smoke just about anywhere. As we all know it is a whole different world today and smoking anywhere but at home or in your car, is not allowed. Would love to hear how people did stop or failed to stop. It took me 50 years and many failed attempts to finally beat the habit.


Managed to do it a couple of times in my 20'2 and 30's both times for a year or more. Finally stopped smoking about May 1994, never been tempted since.

At that time I couldn't walk a 100yds before my left leg locked up solid. The specialist I saw had a few words of advice, lose weight ,walk 2 miles a day and definitely stop smoking, or I'll be cutting off your leg. Worked for me, I've still got it and still walking them miles.

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When I was young, everybody smoked, or just about everybody. and one could smoke just about anywhere. As we all know it is a whole different world today and smoking anywhere but at home or in your car, is not allowed. Would love to hear how people did stop or failed to stop. It took me 50 years and many failed attempts to finally beat the habit.

smoke free for 35 years cold turkey and iron resolve:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Had an older mate at work who lost his dad and sister to cancer in the space of a month,he said thats it I'm stopping smoking so I replied if he can so can I,its now 20 years since I stopped(they'd just hit £2 a pack)he started again after about 10 months,he died last year of cancer RIP mate.

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My wife and I, both 20-a-day, stopped together many years ago when they hit £1 a packet. I was working at the time and a secret was that I had an empty packet and my lighter on my side at all times so nobody at work knew I had stopped, so no leg pulling or tormenting took place, even my best mate when I told him some 3 months later couldn't believe it. These days when there are all kinds of things on sale to help you stop it makes me laugh because all you need is the desire to stop and the willpower, trust me, if we could do it then anyone can.

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When I was young, everybody smoked, or just about everybody. and one could smoke just about anywhere. As we all know it is a whole different world today and smoking anywhere but at home or in your car, is not allowed. Would love to hear how people did stop or failed to stop. It took me 50 years and many failed attempts to finally beat the habit.

I smoked for over thirty years, then one day the price went up to circa 75pence for twenty, I put the packet in my pocket, smoked the few I had from the day before. I gave the unopened packet to my wife when I returned home from work. The next day I bought a packet of Polo mints and very time I felt like a smoke I had a mint, after seven days I was over cigarettes and I've never had one since and I used to smoke thirty a day and around fifty a day at the weekend when I was out with friends. I got my sense of taste back and my Clothes never stunk like an old ash tray again.

Edited by lazarus
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Met my girlfriend now wife and she asked me to stop smoking so I did that was 27 years ago. Smoked one cigar since when I was very drunk and couldn't work out why I ever started

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I stopped when "stop smoking with Nationwide" was an initiative on the television. "Nationwide" was an early evening news programme and they ran this around 1976 -7. I was teaching at the time,so instead of going into the staffroom at breaks and lunchtimes - trust me, the staffrooms in most schools in the 1970s were thick with smoke !- I stayed in my classroom, virtuously marking books and putting up displays(obviously smoking wasn't allowed in classrooms ,though I did know colleagues who nipped into the stockroom for a quick drag between lessons !)Result - no more cigarettes and no doubt better lessons!

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