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Why remake classic films?

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I know someone has remade Mad Max , I have heard they are about to remake a classic gangster film but to my horror and disgust I have just found out that someone is about to remake one of the greatest films of all time ,The Magnificent Seven . why do they continue to do this ? why not do what Michael Caine once said " if you are going to remake a film , remake a rubbish one and improve it "

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I know someone has remade Mad Max , I have heard they are about to remake a classic gangster film but to my horror and disgust I have just found out that someone is about to remake one of the greatest films of all time ,The Magnificent Seven . why do they continue to do this ? why not do what Michael Caine once said " if you are going to remake a film , remake a rubbish one and improve it "


Why remake classic films? To make a load of money for the investors!


Classic movies already carry a level of awareness with the general public so less has to spent on marketing to pursued people to watch them.


Think of it like a business, it costs more money to create a new franchise than it does to join a well established one.

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I know someone has remade Mad Max , I have heard they are about to remake a classic gangster film but to my horror and disgust I have just found out that someone is about to remake one of the greatest films of all time ,The Magnificent Seven . why do they continue to do this ? why not do what Michael Caine once said " if you are going to remake a film , remake a rubbish one and improve it "
You do know The Magnificent Seven is a remake don't you?
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It's remake of the Seven Samurai isn't it? The Severn Samurai is also meant to be a a major influence upon Lucas and Star Wars.
Theres a theory that Star Wars is basically a remake of Shane set in space. Not sure if I agree with that but I do agree that its pretty much a cowboy movie
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