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Ratting with terriers

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When ever I've seen a bit of fox hunt I'm always mindful of the damage that gets done to everything the hunt ploughs through - people's property, holding up traffic that sort of thing. That and possibility of ripping apart a reasonably sized animal in front small children who might not have wanted to get involved in it.

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If you can't say anything sensible then you should refrain from discussion......have I said that rats are ugly ?

Why am I ridiculous and hypocritical, I have my views just like you have yours.

In post 2, you write ' They aren't as cute as foxy woxy ' so kill away........then try to get at me because I've said they are a beautiful looking creature - which they are and they do have a right to live.

In post 16, you write ' Fox Hunting is great fun watching the dogs do what they were bred to do '


Strikes me that your not only demented and contradict yourself but also a Sadist, people like you who think fox hunting is great fun should be on the receiving end of being ripped apart by a pack of hounds and then see what ' Fun ' it is !



You are a hypocrite because you say that foxes have as much right as a human to live but then recount having killed a rat and saying they deserve no sympathy. It is the duality of your stance that marks you out as a hypocrite.


Calling someone demented (suffers from dementia) is vulgar you have debased yourself with that comment and should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

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Good to see a decent reply from both sides of this debate, i'm of the belief that the 'king of the jungle' gets to rule in the animal world, ie the strong rule the weak - it is nature after all, these hounds/terriers are fantastic animals and are doing what they were invented for, like rats - scavenging and spreading disease, and foxes mercilessly killing for no reason and getting bolder and braver in urban areas

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I'm pro fox hunting as well. The numbers need to be controlled what would you rather see a fox that's been shot and it could take a couple of painful days to die? Or hunting it with dogs where it either lives or dies a fast death I know which one is humane do you?


I would like to cull the pro hunters, but its illegal. Fox hunting is illegal. Deal with it.

Take up origami instead.

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What about the ratters? How about them? Should they be culled?



Rats have to be controlled for health reasons. Ratters seem to relish killing things for pleasure, just like foxhunters. We have urban foxes, they take the odd chicken and scavenge but I wouldn't go so far as to call them vermin or a pest. I see rats and voles round the local dams and ponds, ratters kill both. Terriers can't tell which is a rat and which is a vole. Voles are protected.

Only Weirdo's kill for pleasure. They have issues that need addressing.

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I would like to cull the pro hunters, but its illegal. Fox hunting is illegal. Deal with it..


Except of course, it isn't.


Deal with it.


---------- Post added 31-12-2014 at 18:18 ----------


Only Weirdo's kill for pleasure.


U huh... but you said...


I would like to cull the pro hunters




They have issues that need addressing.


You certainly do.

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You're happy to melt rats? Nice!

BTW my posts were partly sarcasm - "sar-chasm" it turns out. It is difficult to show this in posts.

Just to be clear where I stand with not sarchasm!


Rats are vermin - they need to be controlled. The kindest way to do it is with dogs. They break the neck and they die quickly.


Foxes are vermin - they need to be controlled. The kindest way to kill them is with dogs. They catch them and kill them quickly. There are no wounded animals left to die slowly from poisoning, trapping, bad shooting etc.


Dropping rats or foxes into melting pots is unpleasant and sounds cruel to me, although I don't understand your sport, I will leave you to decide for yourself.



Personally I'm not bothered how people kill rats as I hate the things anyway.

I have never killed a wild animal and especially a rat through dropping it into a melting pot -

this was done by other working people - the rat having been clouted by a shovel would be dazed and being dropped into a pot of molten metal wouldn't have known anything about it, as the heat would have killed it outright within a matter of 2 seconds.

I don't go in for any sport which involves the killing of wild animals.

As for the killing of foxes by a pack of dogs - the dogs don't kill them quickly..... the fox will be alive whilst a dog(s) has the fox's head in its mouth and other dogs have the fox's hind quarters in their mouth and they just pull it apart until the poor thing dies......if you see this as being fun and humane then there's something wrong with you.


---------- Post added 31-12-2014 at 19:02 ----------


You are a hypocrite because you say that foxes have as much right as a human to live but then recount having killed a rat and saying they deserve no sympathy. It is the duality of your stance that marks you out as a hypocrite.


Calling someone demented (suffers from dementia) is vulgar you have debased yourself with that comment and should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.


I have never said that I have killed a rat !

I said that workmen at a company I use to work for use to kill them.


Read the post carefully before you make accusations !!!

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Rats killed by a experienced terrier/dog are killed immediately they dont have time to so much as squeak, pounce, shake gone, not cruel in my opinion (another story for the dogs though if they are bitten rat bites are very bad).


Foxes are chased by dogs to exhaustion, they can run no more, try to hide are terrified then ripped to pieces, this is suffering so in my opinion it is cruel...simple really.

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