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Brother of accused Rotherham Groomer speaks out on C4 news.

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Toasty, I am not shifting the blame I agree with both sides and I even said they will get what they deserve!!! I am merely saying parents need to take better responsibility with kids that young going out late at night!! I wasn't allowed out after 8pm when I was a youth!

We live in a cruel dangerous world all we can do is be careful, you wouldn't leave your car unlocked on the road over night would you... now I am not saying a car is the same as a human being before you start flipping!!


Do we really live in a "cruel and dangerous world" ?

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Just keep shifting some of the blame ... shift, shift.


The simple fact is there is blame on all sides.


Undoubtedly those who groomed, abused and raped the young girls take the biggest share of responsibility and hopefully the authorities will now deal with them.


However, let's not forget those who failed to protect the young girls from the groomers. People in authority knew what was going on, yet night after night it's quite clear these girls were going out late with their groomers....How was this allowed to happen?


Whether it's individuals or the system that's failed these young girls, we need answers....Thank goodness the likes of Toby Foster won't let it drop.





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He's obviously not the sharpest pencil in the pack, but he does have a point about young lasses going out late in very short dresses.....Who is responsible for these girls?


A girl/woman should be able to walk around stark naked without it being an open invitation to wannabe rapists and child abusers.

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A girl/woman should be able to walk around stark naked without it being an open invitation to wannabe rapists and child abusers.


Absolutely agree!!


Sadly though, we live in a society with plenty of sickos and children (which is what they are) need protecting from them.


On the one hand you have situation where parents can't take photos of their children in school plays due to the fear of paedophiles, yet on the other hand we have 12 year old girls leaving their homes late at night and nobody in authority has done anything to stop it.....The worlds gone mad!! :confused:





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A girl/woman should be able to walk around stark naked without it being an open invitation to wannabe rapists and child abusers.


^ This ^


And people should be allowed to accidentally leave their car/house unlocked without it being an invitation to thieves.


The police will not treat victims of crimes any differently because of any twisted thought that they were asking for it.


Shifting blame is an age-old human trait that needs shutting down in a civilised society.


These abusers most likely are deluded to think they are innocent, this is quite evident from listening to what they, or their brothers, actually say. They will have rationalised their behaviour. Either;


1. All girls are asking for it.

2. Girls that dress a certain way are asking for it.

3. Girls that dress a certain way and are out late at night are asking for it.

4. Girls that are out of their heads on drink/drugs are asking for it.


These men will have in their own pathetic minds pinned their own excuse somewhere along that ladder of pathetic excuses.


Whenever any of us hint at the same, we not only shift blame onto the victim, we help abusers feed their delusions. We actually contribute to the problem.


The abusers, and only them, are to blame for their evil behaviour.

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A girl/woman should be able to walk around stark naked without it being an open invitation to wannabe rapists and child abusers.


The people who need to take responsibility for this are the men who go around trying to pick-up vulnerable children and teens for their own sexual gratification.


One offender from the first Rotherham trial, a take-away driver, was picking-up females and having sex with them twenty minutes later. He knew exactly where to look and who to look for. He already had an order banning him from being alone with any female under sixteen from a previous indecent assault and then had the audacity to blame the victims for pretending they were sixteen (not twelve) as his defence. The judge actually intervened to check this was what the guy really meant as it was so shocking.


Until attitudes to women are confronted in all societies, victim blaming will continue and many men will remain unchallenged in their sordid views.

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What is wrong with people? Read the Jay report. These girls were brainwashed and threatened into doing what these men wanted. In many cases parents and social workers WERE trying to protect these children. When they reported what was happening to the police they were told not to 'interfere' with the children's 'relationships' with these men and accused of racism if they complained. If they took matters into there own hands and tried to rescue the children THEY were arrested.



You can't blame parents for the situation when they were left powerless when the services that should have protected the children protected the abusers instead.


Also by all accounts these children were initially approached while engaged in age appropriate activities like shopping or visiting a park. Not out drinking. It was the abusers that brought booze into the equation as a means of manipulation and control.


But hey, blame anybody apart from the person with a brown face.

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But hey, blame anybody apart from the person with a brown face.

and its not really to do with having a brown face either while we play the non blame game


theres currently an aged white man on trial for the same sort of crimes in manchester, an ex dj


again its to do with perverts NOT race or religion

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I saw the interview with this sadly deluded specimen of humanity last night :loopy: Seemed to me that despite having heard all the evidence against his brother and his subsequent conviction he doesn't accept that he can possibly be guilty because these girls "we're asking for it" and he told his dad he didn't do it so he can't have can he?

Dog crap between the ears maybe?

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