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Look North tonight.

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He is only15 years old so he will not be named at this time and acording

to Look North he is being questioned at the moment


Apparently,and I did not know this, it's NOT illegal to name anyone until they have been up before a judge. It's just something that the papers and news channels "do", a sort of gentlemans agreement.

It's pretty pointless in these days of Twitter and Facebook anyway. I knew who he was before it had been officially announced that the teacher was dead, just by reading the comments on Look Norths own Facebook page.




The Guardian explains far better than I can.

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One is a tragic accident and the other is a shocking murder with the perpetrator yet to be identified and motive established etc; its a story that "has legs".


Funny you say that, as the Daily Mail chose to lead with Susannah Reid's legs.



But its not a competition...I found the Daily Mirrror's "live blogging" from the street more invasive and disrespectful

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I dont get all this bitching about who got more coverage., My only concern is two sets of families are mourning the loss of loved ones. One set lives in Sheffield and the others in Leeds. I dont believe in god but this is one occasion i hope im wrong and ALL the victims are with their loved ones in a nicer place.

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Curtsie has form for this kind of thing I'm afraid. As for making it sound like a competition, what do you think the opening post is?


Pull your head out of your arse.


I've forgotten more about dealing with Cuttsie than you'll ever know, my head is fine where it is thanks don't bring your fantasies to a family forum.

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Totally wrong old bean, Cuttsie was saying the coverage was disproportionate and it was; as for you saying the 1st teacher killed in school since 1995, makes it sound like a competition.


Both are very tragic events and neither me nor the OP infer any conspiracy towards Leeds, just remember 3 children died in that fire one was what 5 weeks old.


Anyone that thinks it's less news worthy well I'm saddened for them, we now have 2 sets of families grieving for different reasons. 5 by fire and one robbed of life by a 15 year old toe rag, thinking it's hard to carry a knife & yes he should be named, he was old enough to kill that poor woman let the world know who he is.


If it was covered adequately on Monday night, then just what did you want to see on Tuesday night? Unless there were new developments then just what else is there to say other than the event was absolutely tragic?


The teacher killing is different though and of more national interest as a news story because it raises issues that havent been broached before.


Safety in schools as the first teacher ever killed in school by a pupil

Carrying weapons in schools

Mental health care.

Right to anonymity as a child.

Social networking and comment.


There also the fact that a teacher who has lived her life and impacted on many of her thousands of former students provides more to talk about than a young child who has yet to live its life.


Its not just Look North , but the national media are discussing the new issues this event raises. Its not a comment on one case being more tragic than the other.

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....and the quality of the items were crap.


Interviews with awkward CPS shirt front, an EX classroom assistant and worst of all comments from several vulnerable young school children.


We really are becoming more American taking the easy emotional reactions. Everyone is at it. The school were quoted as saying -


" We opened today because its was what she would have wanted."


I despair at the quality of news coverage in this country.

Even more the official agencies feeding the press with lines they gobble up.


........and the reason why Leeds got the coverage ?

- cos its nearer,

........the lazy cheap tossers.

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