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Malaysian airlines plane missing

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Well we don't have global radio / satellite coverage at the moment, so it would be impossible without sending up some more lumps of metal into orbit.


I would expect the pilot's unions to go mental about the idea of cockpit audio being live streamed to somewhere, they've managed to block the installation of video cameras for decades under similar ideas that employees would use them to spy on them. That said, I doubt any would not agree that we should have location tracking of every aircraft, made fail safe (two independent systems etc), across the globe now. And that should be possible except for a handful of polar routes.


Yeah, as I said though not possible now, it must be close to being possible.


Like you say, they won't want it. I just think that that will probably be something that may or will happen in the future.

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Yeah, as I said though not possible now, it must be close to being possible.


Like you say, they won't want it. I just think that that will probably be something that may or will happen in the future.


It probably doesn't come down to what's possible or not, but what is cost effective.

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Uk's Times newspaper claims to have obtained access to the initial results of a criminal inquiry shared with foreign governments and investigators.

mh370/ Captain Zaharie Shah has been identified as the chief suspect in the plane’s disappearance – if it was due to human interference, according to a media report.


The Times newspaper claims to have obtained access to the initial results of a criminal inquiry shared with foreign governments and investigators.

The report states that Zaharie had made no plans or commitments for the future, in contrast with co-pilot Fariq Hamid and the rest of the crew, according to the Times.

The paper further claims that investigators uncovered a deleted file on Zaharie’s flight simulator showing a flight path to the southern Indian Ocean, and a landing on a small island, although details of the simulated flights were not reported.

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