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The Carling Cup- The cup is coming home!!


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And about time too.. we havent got it back since 1992.

Good performance from us right from the off


The major talking point for me:

Why was Ruud dropped?


And also I feel very sorry for Mike Pollitt.. bless him.


This cup is for you smithy lad :thumbsup:

Get well soon!

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Cup coming home????


This is the team where the League Cup is below them. They put out reserve sides and kids for the early rounds against lesser teasm who could amke money out of the fact that Rooney & co may be playing.


The cup has gone to the team who least deserve it.

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The cup has gone to the team who least deserve it.

I have to disagree there..fact is they won it..so they deserve it...if they played a lesser first team then all the other clubs would have had a better chance of beating them thus getting further in the competition..a lot more beneficial than one game with Rooney playing.


As for the cup coming home quote....:huh: ....I wasn't aware it lived in Old Trafford??

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What a foolish thread.

I enjoyed the game, but was slightly embarrassed by our celebrations towards the end, especially Fergusons.

The Carling Cup should be beneath us - the fact it no longer is speaks volumes.


P.S Ruud was dropped as Saha had practically got us to Cardiff - there is no way Ferguson could have overlooked him.

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The Carling Cup should be beneath us - the fact it no longer is speaks volumes.



oh please - get over yourselves!!!!


No team deserves to win anything by rights so for you to say that its 'below' you is absurd! Manchester united are NOT the force you once were in football- your early european exit this year proved that, and you have been caught up and over taken by chelsea, arsenal and now liverpool are a very good side indeed (as there win over you 2 weeks ago proved)- every single one of those teams would have been over the moon to win the cup- infact ANY team should be happy when they win something.


I really think you should learn to be thankful for what you have- as its alot more than most teams will ever get.



btw- ferguson was celebrating as that win probably kept him his job for next season!

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The Carling Cup should be beneath us.

It doesnt matter what you say - we used to look down on it, and now Ferguson expects us to jump through hoops when we win it.


Its nice to win, but it doesnt have any real impact on the fans.

I found the jigs a bit upsetting, thats all.

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It's not like Man Utd or it's fans to devalue the importance of a trophy though is it.

Also try telling that to the 35-40 thousand Man U fans that attended the game, so I don't buy your "it doesn't have any real impact on the fans" view.

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