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We are being slated again . Nurses .

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Don't be so like a teacher !!!


I imagine many teachers will be affronted by the association:hihi:.


---------- Post added 27-03-2013 at 16:49 ----------


Paragraphs are good.


but superfluous unless the writer changes the subject.They are very helpful for those with poor concentration.

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Well yet again we nurses are being slated ! On the back of the report into the Mid Staffs Trust we now find ourselves on the front pages of the news for all the wrong reasons. I saw the news this morning before I set off for an early shift & found myself agreeing with the fact that new students must spend more time on the wards. It is fine getting a degree ,but that does not make you a nurse because according to the patients & relatives I have spoke to they see a Nurse as someone who does not leave meal trays at the end of a bed so the patient cannot reach it. They do not leave a full commode for a HCA to get rid of and they do not see a nurse as someone who thinks it is beneath them to bed bath someone. I for one was an Enrolled Nurse who converted to a Staff Nurse & love getting to know a patient by doing basic nursing care . So WHY do the majority of newly qualified nurses just think that it is a HCA job to perform these tasks. I spoke to a senior consultant , on a ward round one day who said how can university teach a nurse how to gain a gut instinct when a patient is becoming ill when they have no idea what to look for . Please do not say it is not a qualified nurses job to give out meals because it is ! I have done it loads of times .So why is it beneath some newly qualified nurses . I have so many say " I haven't done all this training to give out commodes." Well all I can say is wait till your relative is in hospital !!! Cos I have to say I LOVE BRIELEY WARD & cannot praise them enough . Being on the otherside made me realise how fab they are .


I take it you are on about Brearley at NHG (unsure of spelling), I was in for 9 days last June due to internal bleeding, and all I can say is the staff WERE bloody marvellous, take no notice the NHG is a top hospital & I had my life saved there in 05.


You do a great job, long may it continue



Edited by Bypassblade
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Well yet again we nurses are being slated ! On the back of the report into the Mid Staffs Trust we now find ourselves on the front pages of the news for all the wrong reasons. I saw the news this morning before I set off for an early shift & found myself agreeing with the fact that new students must spend more time on the wards. It is fine getting a degree ,but that does not make you a nurse because according to the patients & relatives I have spoke to they see a Nurse as someone who does not leave meal trays at the end of a bed so the patient cannot reach it. They do not leave a full commode for a HCA to get rid of and they do not see a nurse as someone who thinks it is beneath them to bed bath someone. I for one was an Enrolled Nurse who converted to a Staff Nurse & love getting to know a patient by doing basic nursing care . So WHY do the majority of newly qualified nurses just think that it is a HCA job to perform these tasks. I spoke to a senior consultant , on a ward round one day who said how can university teach a nurse how to gain a gut instinct when a patient is becoming ill when they have no idea what to look for . Please do not say it is not a qualified nurses job to give out meals because it is ! I have done it loads of times .So why is it beneath some newly qualified nurses . I have so many say " I haven't done all this training to give out commodes." Well all I can say is wait till your relative is in hospital !!! Cos I have to say I LOVE BRIELEY WARD & cannot praise them enough . Being on the otherside made me realise how fab they are .


You start this by saying you are being slated - but then seem to agree with the observations that have been made?


I happen to fully agree with the proposals - nursing should be learned on the job.


---------- Post added 27-03-2013 at 20:28 ----------


I know you are right & I made a mistake by voting for these idiots


but you seem to be agreeing with their proposals?


---------- Post added 27-03-2013 at 20:29 ----------


Yeah, but don't you think that the nurses who don't put food in easy reach, don't empty commodes, and simply don't care (like a reasonable number at mod staffs) need slating ?


They need sacking. Their managers need sacking for letting it happen (not leaving them on full pay for year).


Feel free to toss about blaming this political party or that, top and bottom of it if someone who is a nurse needs lessons on compassion they are in the wrong job.


Agree with every word in here.

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The most badly treated patients in hospitals are the elderly. They are given no respect, and nurses need to be specially trained to look after them. Years ago there was a special hospital for the elderly called Firvale. That closed down and is now part of the NGH. They are now put on wards with all age groups, so its no wonder they are confused and sad.

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Whatever happened to the once generally held opinion that overworked undervalued nurses were regarded as people worthy of appreciation providing a service to the best of their ability on understaffed wards, often making the greatest effort to acchieve and maintain the highest level of care and standards?


Nursing can be frustrating, demanding, physically and mentally exhausting and heartbreaking but most of the time is satisfying, enjoyable and extremely rewarding, the praise and expressions from patients and relatives are a good example of that,they far outweigh any criticisms.


The years i spent working as a nurse were a privilege,and a long period of my life i look back on with great pleasure.



my bold, the paranoid skeptic in me says that this belief is being eroded away purposefully as I hear there are desires from dark places to sell off vast chunks of the nhs. turn public opinion then come up with the 'only' soloution...



personally my experience with the NHS is 99% good and I think that is really a common opinion.


(my -1% is due to them refusing to reset a broken clavicle :( )

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I know I do sound like I am being contradictory in what I am saying ,but what I am trying to say is that I do agree with what the government are saying they are going to do when they say that students must work on the wards for longer . I don't agree with anything else they stand for . ( stupid idiot I am more voting for them ) .

And No I don't work on Brearley although I used to work at the Northern .

The other point made was Matrons . The problem here is the Matrons the patients were thinking of were the ones like in The Royal where there is one Matron over all the hospital ,but unfortunately that was not the case & all we got was yet another layer of management. The Matrons I have come across are generally so out of touch with reality & base line nursing it is scary .

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I agree that the government needs to try & prevent another Mid Staff incident & Nurse should do at least a year out on the wards. I am not saying they should do an extra year but spend a year out of university & be based on the wards. I know some students who have done no ward work at all & they were 3rd years. Almost ready to qualify . Whats all that about then . I try to lead by example with the newly qualified staff nurses but it is hard when they have the mind set that it is beneath them to provide basic nursing care. Patients complain to me that these nurses are not interested in them as people at all & I have seen for myself these staff - what we call " Milking the drug round " . This means taking as long as possible to give out medicines in order to not perform bed baths etc. This is not on . The way to get to know a patient & develop a relationship with them is by performing basic care .Talking to them & listening to them .You then get to know them well & they are then more likely to trust that Nurse so she can then see when something is going wrong. This is vital in providing a high standard of nursing. This saves lives. I know we as Nurses have a duty to maintain a high standard of training & it is vital to maintain this throughout our career but we must not compromise our standards of giving basic nursing.

You sound an exemplary nurse, as for the others someone needs to drum into them what the 'S' stands for in NHS - they are square pegs in round holes:(

and get the NHS a bad name

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my bold, the paranoid skeptic in me says that this belief is being eroded away purposefully as I hear there are desires from dark places to sell off vast chunks of the nhs. turn public opinion then come up with the 'only' soloution...



personally my experience with the NHS is 99% good and I think that is really a common opinion.


(my -1% is due to them refusing to reset a broken clavicle :( )



To lose the NHS would be a great shame, and i can't envisage that happening.I don't think any goverment would dare certainly not in the near future.I'm not sure about the 99/% majority,but i do think most people who have received health care in the NHS have been satisfied.

That isn't much consolation to those who havn't though,and you have been on the receiving end of that experience i'm sorry to hear you were denied the required treatment.

The NHS isn't perfect and hasn't ever been so but we all have the absolute right to expect a high stardard of care and to be treated with compassion.


Incidentally i've not been without my own criticisms,and have voiced concerns on several occasions,as many other health workers do,unfortunately the outcome isn't always met with a desirable result.

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I really don't know why some people come into Nursing . It takes a special person to care for somebodies relatives . But some of the newly qualified nurses scare me so much I would not like some of them looking after me when I get to an old age. They have no idea sometimes . What seems like common sense to me just doesn't go into their heads , My Dad used to say ," You cant teach common sense

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I really don't know why some people come into Nursing . It takes a special person to care for somebodies relatives . But some of the newly qualified nurses scare me so much I would not like some of them looking after me when I get to an old age. They have no idea sometimes . What seems like common sense to me just doesn't go into their heads , My Dad used to say ," You cant teach common sense


I spent 6 weeks in nursing school , then onto the wards. That was before you had to have a degree to go into nursing. I still believe you should have a degree, but they should also teach newly qualified nurses, the meaning of care and compassion.:)

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