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Cafe in Hathersage

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We will be in Hathersage tomorrow (saturday) morning. It's years since we've been there, so don't know what's around now. Can anyone recommend a good cafe for a breakfast (plus when it opens, if you happen to know). A fried breakfast probably, but a choice would be nice. Thanks.

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You need to go to the station cafe at Grindleford opens very early but gets very full there is also a cafe upstairs in the outdoor clothing shop in Hathersage but this will probably open later


Grindleford Station Cafe is not what it used to be since Philip passed away. His son runs it now and he is never there, hence the quality and attention to detail has gone way down hill.


Not saying it was ever top quality, but Philip had a certain way of doing things that made it unique, and his loss is felt.

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Sorry I missed this one until now and I guess it is too late, but if you go to Hathersage again then you must try the cafe that is Coleman's Deli. It is in the courtyard next to Nat West Bank.


They do fabulous food and sandwiches and lovely Italian Lavazza coffee. On a nice day you can sit at the tables outside too.


Definitely the best in Hathersage imo.


The Grindleford station cafe is ok btw - but it's basic food there - bacon butties etc. Whereas Coleman's is really quite upmarket and very, very nice.

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Both Cintra's and Colemans are very good.


+1 to that...another one, Elliotts, has just recently closed.


Another option is the Pool Cafe, opens earlier than most on a Sunday morning, cheap and cheerful, cyclist friendly :)


Grindleford Cafe is ideal for weekend warriors on foot or two wheels....avoid at all costs IMHO.

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