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Sharkeys R.I.P


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Ok, time for some impartial comments I feel. (several above from those connected in some way)


Went in three times.


Visit one , about two weeks after it opened.


Went to bar with bro in law ordered 4 cocktails one being a cookies and cream.


Sorry, we dont have any cookies or ice cream.


Oh ok then, Ordered something else. The barmaid then took an age to make the first cocktail, all the while doing that dreadful dip a straw in and taste it routine which looked pathetic.


Got it wrong, slung it down the sink, made it again, wrong again, slung it down the sink.


At this point my jaw fell open. We'd probably of drank them anyway but no, she just swatted them.


No exaggeration at all here, 15 minutes later we sat down, the cocktails were rank.


Visit 2


Cookies and cream please (its the wifes favourite)


Sorry we dont have any cookies or ice cream. Can you see a theme developing here?


Enter the duty manager rat arsed behind the bar holding a pint. He was shouting to his two friends who were leaving that if they stayed he'd give them more free drinks, he then prodded me and asked me to stop them.


I replied in words of one syllable.


The doormen actually looked embarrassed to be witnessing/working with this jerk.


We left.


Visit 3 (you'd of thought i would know better by now)


Cookies and cream please.


Sorry we dont have any......


Have you ever tried nipping to Budgens or Tesco???? There are 5 of you standing here t@*sing it off.


We left.


And that my friends is why it is now closed. Badly run by people who obviously didn't have the ability or the motivation to make it what it could of been.


Go to any of the bars adjacent and you'd receive vastly superior service probably because they are branded and tasked on such things. Oh and dont talk to me about atmosphere, you need people to have an atmosphere and that was something it always lacked.


Yet another case of someone thinking its easy to make money from a bar and not really having a clue. Maybe the guy who opened the original Sharkeys should have given the Sheffield version a lot more attention. We aren't mugs who are attracted solely by attractive decor and trendy music.

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The barmaid then took an age to make the first cocktail, all the while doing that dreadful dip a straw in and taste it routine which looked pathetic.


Got it wrong, slung it down the sink, made it again, wrong again, slung it down the sink.


At this point my jaw fell open. We'd probably of drank them anyway but no, she just swatted them.


No exaggeration at all here, 15 minutes later we sat down, the cocktails were rank.


I don't work at Sharkeys, and I've been in on rare occasions, so I'm pretty impartial myself but as somebody who both works behind a bar and manages a bar I think you're way on these few points.


Firstly you will always get occasions when somebody orders a cocktail and doesn't like it. I love a mojito yet there are some bars in Sheffield that I'd never order one because it doesn't suit my tastes. Bars are given specs (often by people like me who choose their favourite incarnation) and that is how they make it every time. It may be different to the bar next door or the bar in New York, but in theory everytime you go into that bar the cocktail will taste the same.


That's why people taste the drinks. I always taste the drinks I've made, and people working for me should always do the same. If it doesn't taste right, chuck it, make it again. I'd much rather the staff had to make a drink two or three times to get it right than had to send out a cocktail that wasn't near the spec. Maybe you didn't like the cocktail, but if she made the cocktail several times and finally decided it was right, then that IMO was the right thing to do.


If you aren't prepared to wait for a cocktail you shouldn't be ordering them. Generally most cocktails I make take between 3 and 5 minutes, and I've been making (and creating) cocktails for nearly 5 years now. That's how you achieve a quality, that is worthy of paying twice as much as a vodka and coke. If you ordered 4 cocktails I'd expect to wait at least 10 minutes for those, 15 minutes certainly wouldn't be out of the ordinary ESPECIALLY if it is only one person making them.


On the occasions I've been in Sharkeys I've had nothing but great service, and from all the other comments I've heard throughout the trade (including from some of the reps who supply bars in sheffeld) they've all been positive. The only thing I can agree with you in the post is that I've sometimes heard it banded about that staff were drinking at work etc. That clearly isn't a bright idea!


However it's a big shame for the Sheffield bar scene to lose something like Sharkeys. They were a great indepedent bar doing some good work!

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I will miss Sharkeys, even though I wasn't that much of a regular.


Whilst there were some problems with slow service in the early days I admit, they got over that and it was a fairly good bar to go to, with friendly staff and no attitude. They also tended to do something a little bit different with the music.

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But it may well be symptomatic of the fact that Sheffield is too dependent on its student population, and doesn't have enough high earners to support the sort of massive and varied bar scene that not only Leeds and Manchester, but Nottingham as well can support.


More like all the 'high earners' would prefer to stay home because of the lack of classy bars.


Although Sheffield is getting better with bars like boho, runaway girl etc.

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