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SCC`s Policy On Fly Tipping.. What`s It Cost Us ?

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Sheffield council are claiming a drop in Fly tipping ,and claim they have got "Tough" on fly tippers. Their tough stance includes issuing more fixed penalty tickets for "Littering and Dog Fouling" :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Since when has this been fly tipping ? :huh:


Jack Scott says " said the council has changed its ‘soft’ stance against offenders, issuing 105 fixed penalty tickets for litter and dog fouling over just 17 working days last month – against 78 tickets issued during the whole of 2011/12 and 87 in 2010/11.





On the subject of fly tipping, how much council tax payers money are the council spending clearing up all the builders rubbish that is dumped down country lanes purely because of the councils stupid policy of refusing access to large vans into the dump it sites ? Builders waste makes up the vast majority of fly tipping as we all know . Now surely it must be cheaper to let the builders tip at the dumps rather than spend a vast amount of money sending staff and vehicles out to clear it up from the roadside. At the end of the day ,weather its fly tipped or allowed to be dumped in a council dump , the council and their buddies at Veolia are getting the rubbish , and that wont ever change, so surely a better ,cheaper policy would be to ,say ,charge a £5 levy on tradesmen using the dump it sites ,which they would pay , rather than have them fly tip it.


Ok , the council have opened up Blackstock rd dump to trade waste only for acouple of days a week ,but they are trying to rip tradesmen off to tip there. People just arnt going to pay those sorts of prices to dump rubbish.so it ends up down a banking or country lane for the council to clean up anyway .


The council could eradicate 99% of fly tipping overnight if they allowed tradesmen to use the dumps for a £5 levy per trip.


Surely no sheffield council tax payer would argue against this idea ,as it`s their council tax being wasted by the council clearing up fly tipping that could be disposed of at the dump it sites . And before anyone says why should council tax payers pay to dispose of builders rubbish , just remember , the council ends up with the trade waste anyway , weather they accept it through the dumps or clean it up down a country lane . The cheaper option to the council tax payer by far is to have it go through the dump it sites .

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surely a better ,cheaper policy would be to ,say ,charge a £5 levy on tradesmen using the dump it sites ,which they would pay , rather than have them fly tip it. .


Considering these builders are unscrupulous enough to dump their rubbish for free what evidence do you have to show they'd pay to take it to the tip if they were allowed?


There are more options than just "tip" or "nothing, so I'll dump it down a country lane".

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Sheffield council are claiming a drop in Fly tipping ,and claim they have got "Tough" on fly tippers. Their tough stance includes issuing more fixed penalty tickets for "Littering and Dog Fouling" :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Since when has this been fly tipping ? :huh:


Jack Scott says " said the council has changed its ‘soft’ stance against offenders, issuing 105 fixed penalty tickets for litter and dog fouling over just 17 working days last month – against 78 tickets issued during the whole of 2011/12 and 87 in 2010/11.





On the subject of fly tipping, how much council tax payers money are the council spending clearing up all the builders rubbish that is dumped down country lanes purely because of the councils stupid policy of refusing access to large vans into the dump it sites ? Builders waste makes up the vast majority of fly tipping as we all know . Now surely it must be cheaper to let the builders tip at the dumps rather than spend a vast amount of money sending staff and vehicles out to clear it up from the roadside. At the end of the day ,weather its fly tipped or allowed to be dumped in a council dump , the council and their buddies at Veolia are getting the rubbish , and that wont ever change, so surely a better ,cheaper policy would be to ,say ,charge a £5 levy on tradesmen using the dump it sites ,which they would pay , rather than have them fly tip it.


Ok , the council have opened up Blackstock rd dump to trade waste only for acouple of days a week ,but they are trying to rip tradesmen off to tip there. People just arnt going to pay those sorts of prices to dump rubbish.so it ends up down a banking or country lane for the council to clean up anyway .


The council could eradicate 99% of fly tipping overnight if they allowed tradesmen to use the dumps for a £5 levy per trip.


Surely no sheffield council tax payer would argue against this idea ,as it`s their council tax being wasted by the council clearing up fly tipping that could be disposed of at the dump it sites . And before anyone says why should council tax payers pay to dispose of builders rubbish , just remember , the council ends up with the trade waste anyway , weather they accept it through the dumps or clean it up down a country lane . The cheaper option to the council tax payer by far is to have it go through the dump it sites .


Or maybe the tradesman could build in the actual cost of dumping the waste correctly in the invoice, and make it clear to the customer, and then dispose of it correctly. Like professional companies do.


The customer could then choose to either deal with the waste themselves or pay the builders charge for clearing it.


All of which relies on honesty, decency and a respect for other people...which is where I imagine it would fall down.


Personally, I would crack down on fly-tipping, littering and dog-fouling as hard as possible. They arent minor things, they ruin the environment for everybody.

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So Mr Scott thinks that because the number of "call outs" to fly-tipping in April/May/June were lower than for the same period last year ... it is completely reasonable to forecast a continued fall in fly-tipping, to a record level!


Perhaps Mr Scott should go and work on the tendering process for the West Coast Rail Line?

What month did the change-over to fortnightly black-bin collections take place?

What month did the reduced opening of Recycling Centres start?


Do they take us for fools?


...... or are they just absolute idiots?

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The figures are only for the first Quarter of the year, before the bin collections went fortnightly and the dump it site opening hrs were cut ,so we can expect a big increase in these figures once the next figures are released.


This extract from todays article clearly states this


"Lib Dems also say the first quarter does not show the effect of introducing fortnightly bin collections or reduction of household recycling centre opening hours."


This is clearly a case of Jack Scott and his cronies on the council twisting the figures to suit their own aim ,as they clearly bear no resemblance to the truth.

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i really dont think a £5 levy is fair,it costs the council/kier/sheffield homes, around £100 per transit load in tipping fees at various sites


But it costs a hell of a lot more to clear up the fly tipping ,and the council STILL end up with the rubbish to dispose of anyway. By letting tradesmen tip in the dump it sites it would save the council the cost of clearing up the fly tipped rubbish


By charging tradesmen rip off amounts to dispose of rubbish the end result is fly tipping .

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