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New phone book its size and blurbs on the cover

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hey, I have just got my delivery of the new phone book. wow!!! it is so small at the side of what it used to be. almost pocket size. when I think back a few years it was about 10 inches x 8 inches and something like 2 inches thick. how have they compressed all that info into the current size?? also impressive is the cover--celebrating the queens jubillee--the 2012 olympics and partnering london 2012, er I thought that lot was behind us.

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Seems to me like a waste of print, considering how many people are no longer with BT or don't have a landline at all.


I wonder if it's a legal requirement for BT to provide directories for x amount of years?

BT is supposed to list all non-BT landlines too.

But inevitably it 'forgets' to do so- I know; I've been excluded perhaps on account of being a TalkTalk customer.

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