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Four cyclists killed in car crash

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I have just seen the news regarding this today


Full story is here


Well, I'm firmly blaming the driver.. even though the police have said there was no excessive speed- travelling at 50mph on an icy road is just totally stupid and I am totally not surprised the driver lost control of the car.


I feel very sorry for the families of the people who were killed in this tragic event.

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I love cycling (well used to until last year) but as a cyclist i am ever aware of cars travelling in the opposite direction. They come around corners at speeds that are completely ridiculous sometimes.


Until the whole facts are released we will not know who (if anyone) is to blame. I'm just sorry for everyone involved :(

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Just read the report on the BBC news website, now maybe its me but i find this statement by Cheif Inspector Lyn Adams a little odd.



The driver has lost control because of ice on the road. There is no indication to suggest that it is down to something like excessive speed.


I would say the vast majority of crashes like this are caused by drivers going far too fast in icy / dangerous road condtions, regardless of if they where brakeing the speed limit or not.

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Originally posted by robS35

Just read the report on the BBC news website, now maybe its me but i find this statement by Cheif Inspector Lyn Adams a little odd.



The driver has lost control because of ice on the road. There is no indication to suggest that it is down to something like excessive speed.


I would say the vast majority of crashes like this are caused by drivers going far too fast in icy / dangerous road condtions, regardless of if they where brakeing the speed limit or not.

some drivers dont have the expieriance to drive in bad conditions, i wont take my car out when its bad weather,not because i lack the expierience,its the other drivers that scare me, doing 50 mph on icy roads should be treated by the police as driving without due care and attention to say the least


condolences to the families of the cyclists

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Originally posted by depoix

some drivers dont have the expieriance to drive in bad conditions, i wont take my car out when its bad weather,not because i lack the expierience,its the other drivers that scare me, doing 50 mph on icy roads should be treated by the police as driving without due care and attention to say the least


condolences to the families of the cyclists


Although I am a non-driver and dont own a car I entirely agree with depoix. Even in good weather conditions the way some people drive around is extremely alarming.


Just very glad I'm not the driver of this particular car; quite how they will be able to live with themselves could pose them a serious problem for the rest of their life.

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I hope this driver never forgets what they've done. The driver will have known how bad the road gets and selfishly felt protected in its steel carcus as all car drivers do.


We all have the freedom to make choices and decisions and sometimes they are the wrong ones and you have to pay the price.


It was an accident, accidents are catalogues of errors which there were plenty. Cause and effect, laws of nature.

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