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Pay and display machine in Millhouses Park

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I find the idea that a council provides "Important Services" rather laughable. The bin service is about the only useful thing they do, and they're chopping that back...


They charge more for home helps etc than you would pay privately, and most of the rest of their (our) money is spent on the likes of Diversity Awareness and Asian Women's Outreach Services, Climate Change Co-ordinators, and Five-A-Day facilitators.... about 50% of council staff could disappear tomorrow and nothing of any value would go missing.


But they did waste an awful lot of Leisure Services budget in heir vain attempts to sell off parts of our parks that were made as charitable gifts to the people of Sheffield. There's never a shortage of cash for that sort of activity.

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The council have stooped to new depths, there are two pay and display machines being installed in Millhouses Park.


This is utterly vile behaviour, we already pay for the parks from our council tax, and there is ample free parking at both ends of this park, it is never full up, even on weekends. All that will happen is that families will be discouraged from parking in the safe car park and park on adjacent roads where is it is free, but ultimately will put children's lives in danger as they have to cross the busy dual carriageway.


I thought that encouraging trips out to the park was the best way to keep families healthy and get excercise and fresh air.


This awful penny pinching manouvre by the council is utterly despicable and besides the safety implications that are obvious, shows exactly how little they care about the lives of Sheffield people, and how much they want to squeeze every last penny from us to pay for their growing army of shyster traffic wardens.


i totally agree with you , there will be a young life lost crossing the road there just you see.:(

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The council has to find savings somewhere, those choosing to use a car park attached to the park, which is a facility above and beyond the park, surely cannot complain at contributing a token fee to fund the maintainance of that facility so more important council services don't have to be cut?


For those that live too far away from their local park to walk....


Millhouses park has buses every few minutes past every gate (routes 4,87,97,98,218 ).


Herdings Park has its own tram terminal as well as the terminus of the high frequency 47/48 bus next to it.


Dear me, are you one of those awful sick people stuck in the 1970's communist mentality that used to pervade sheffield, who's idea was that everyone who had a car was "POSH" and therefore needed to be Punished ?


It was Ok in those days when buses cost 5p, but do you actually know how much it costs to take a family of 4 on a bus now ? you'll get little change out of a tenner. . . Or do you have a bus pass because you don't work ????

Edited by Streetfarce
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Dear me, are you one of those awful sick people stuck in the 1970's communist mentality that used to pervade sheffield, who's idea was that everyone who had a car was "POSH" and therefore needed to be Punished ?


It was Ok in those days when buses cost 5p, but do you actually know how much it costs to take a family of 4 on a bus now ? you'll get little change out of a tenner. . . Or do you have a bus pass because you don't work ????


I should imagine the council provide a free parking spot for his car in that nice car park close to the town hall.

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But they did waste an awful lot of Leisure Services budget in heir vain attempts to sell off parts of our parks that were made as charitable gifts to the people of Sheffield. There's never a shortage of cash for that sort of activity.


Well said Shytot..when it comes to our local parks I don't trust this Labour council one little bit..having been knocked back twice over Graves park it wouldn't surprise me if there is a hidden agenda behind all this.

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Are people that hard up to pay 40p for an hours parking?


its not so much that but having the right change etc. I walk there 3 times a week after school run and its a hassle to look for and have right change so probably wont bother now.

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If you can afford to fly then you can afford to get to Doncaster airport, or Manchester, Leeds, East Midlands. You were out of luck if you wanted to go anywhere except Jersey or Amsterdam from Sheffield anyway, it was too small & a mistake building it.


Charging for parks is a low point, maybe not the worst thing they've done, but it hurts the young & the poor.


The really young and the really poor don't drive...Every way to create an income will be discussed and implemented. If you think this is bad there is at least another four years of council cuts to come.. This is small fry

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i think its about time that the so called rich were made to pay a bit for that park, the public parks where i am have had no way need the same amount of public money spent on them, Eg, longley, parsons cross, burngreave, why should all the limited investment be concentrated on the rich southern end of sheffield??


well even though I live up that end I have to agree you have a good point, NOT re the parking but about the fact the parks at this end are lovely and the other not so... I LOVE concord park it just need the same spent on, and a cafe???

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