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Alcohol Restriction Zone Approved


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Originally posted by InvalidUser

I admine your love for the un-deserving, you may receive your reward in heaven, but I doubt it.


The alcoholics in town should be shot or rounded up and made to live in Tinsley with the other sub-humans. Anywhere that I don't have to look / smell them is fine.


Merry Xmas to you and all the other bleeding hearts! LOL



:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

You are far far poorer than the people you despise; only you are too stupid to realise it. You are a victim of yourself and one of the reasons why christmas has become a joke. You don't belong on here!
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Originally posted by miniminch

You are far far poorer than the people you despise; only you are too stupid to realise it. You are a victim of yourself and one of the reasons why christmas has become a joke. You don't belong on here!

No, I just checked my on-line banking and I'm much richer than the derelicts who hang around swigging from bottles on devonshi1te green.


Your rant doesn't impress me. You appear to be one of the miguided fools who believe there is some dignity in poverty, there isn't.


The problem with the country at the moment is displacement. The idea that people aren't really responsible for their situation, it must be the governments fault. Well, it isn't. The poor are responsible for their own plight.


Christmas hasn't become a joke in my household. It's a time for love and giving. We have a great time because we work hard and have no shame enjoying the fruits of our labour.


Merry Xmas :heyhey:

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Originally posted by InvalidUser

No, I just checked my on-line banking and I'm much richer than the derelicts who hang around swigging from bottles on devonshi1te green....... The poor are responsible for their own plight... We have a great time because we work hard and have no shame enjoying the fruits of our labour.


You are an arrogant, self righteous, thoroughly unpleasant individual .

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Originally posted by InvalidUser


The alcoholics in town should be shot or rounded up and made to live in Tinsley with the other sub-humans. Anywhere that I don't have to look / smell them is fine.



I cannot quite believe what a thoroughly indecent and unpleasant individual you are........you have a heart full of hatred and loathing don't you?

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Originally posted by InvalidUser

What are spats?


I'd love some spats. Then I could be just like my hero Vivian Stanshall.

from one of my filthy poems....

. . She was in her lab coat,

I in spats.

Canoodling in Huntingdon,

where they keep the rats..


This new law is very interesting, because until now it was possible to walk between pubs still drinking alcohol. Sheffield was one of the last cities to allow this in England.


However more to the point does this mean that there will be a severe crackdown of drinkers standing outside the front door in summer when it is too hot to be inside the pub. We used to do this outside the sports man and were prevented from doing this recently

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well said miniminch :)


admittedly the law is to stop antisocial problems, BUT the majority of antisocial problems are caused by supposedly "normal" people on a night out in a pub or club

not by tramps, winos, general people wanting to sit on a bench in the peace gardens or sit outside a pub to have a drink

yes theres the odd problem with the odd wino but not o the scale of the mass population on a night out


shoot all the tramps, winos and homeless then vote bnp and then start on the gays, blacks, asians, commies


see if all the problems actually end

i doubt it

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Originally posted by InvalidUser

I admine your love for the un-deserving, you may receive your reward in heaven, but I doubt it.


The alcoholics in town should be shot or rounded up and made to live in Tinsley with the other sub-humans. Anywhere that I don't have to look / smell them is fine.


Merry Xmas to you and all the other bleeding hearts! LOL



:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


You are disgraceful. I have some friends in Tinsley and they are not sub-human. Gosh I hope you don't get your karma because it's going to be horrid horrid horrid for you.

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Originally posted by max

MOD: It's Christmas, please try to refrain from name calling and gratuitous insults against individuals and areas of Sheffield. There will be bans without warning if this request is ignored.


Rich's note: Do what teh Mods tell you, or else!


Season's greetings!


And no, I am not up teh jobsworths'.... Er I mean Mods, arses before Kirky and chums start... :P

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