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Vote lib dem in local elections?

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It's a real shame. I knew a Lib Dem parliamentary candidate once and he was such a lovely bloke I'd have voted for him like a shot but nowadays he'd be tainted forever by the lick-spittle leadership and their clamour for power at any cost.


Surely a clever bloke like you can tell the difference and will vote according to what you expect a candidate will do locally?


Is there some grand plan behind your decision to vote for somebody in a local council election that you don't want to vote for, instead of the person that you would vote for?


Wasn't Taxman's post referring to a parliamentary candidate?


Well spotted. You'd expect a clever bloke like Tony to have noticed that.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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It's only Tuesday and Clever Tony's already worked 30+ hours this week. I'm a little tired at this time of an evening so I'm sure that you'll forgive me for missing it. I did point out that I (if not you) was referring to the local election.


The thread is actually about the local election and the point does stand in that regard.


So, how do you feel about voting Lib-Dem locally?

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It's only Tuesday and Clever Tony's already worked 30+ hours this week. I'm a little tired at this time of an evening so I'm sure that you'll forgive me for missing it. I did point out that I (if not you) was referring to the local election.


The thread is actually about the local election and the point does stand in that regard.


So, how do you feel about voting Lib-Dem locally?


I would give them a wide berth Tone, as they have proven that they are a party of liars and opportunists who will say anything to get your vote.

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Guest sibon
what specifically is it that they have done locally that voters didn't like when they ran Sheffield?


I think that it is the lies, deceit and abandonment of principles that people don't like.


To flip your question; What is it that they have done locally that should encourage us to vote Lib Dem? What are their successes?


The literature that I've received from them so far doesn't tell me that, just how nasty the Labour Party are. I'd have thought that a party with a strong record in local government would be trumpeting that, rather than campaigning so negatively.

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