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Farmers shooting dogs

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The OP admitted the dog had been chasing the sheep. The farmer probably took the opportunity to get rid of the dog before it could cause any further damage. We have already established that firing a weapon in the air is not an effective method of scaring a dog. So, the farmer decides to chase the dog. Good idea... having a dog running amongst the sheep again.


Where/how have we already established this?? I think it's a perfectly good alternative to at least try. And I didn't say chase the dog as in follow him wherever he went as if it was some comedy sketch. I said chase him away, shoot the gun and follow it up.


For example, if a dog approaches me with mine and it's off lead, I "stand tall" in front of them and shout "Go!" and the dog has always backed off. It's not the same but I would imagine when confronted along with a gun shot, the dog will back off...

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What is all this rubbish about shooting in the air?

A dog has proven it's willingness to attack the sheep, the owner has proven himself incapable of keeping the hound under control and posters want to give it a second chance to kill.



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Where/how have we already established this?? I think it's a perfectly good alternative to at least try. And I didn't say chase the dog as in follow him wherever he went as if it was some comedy sketch. I said chase him away, shoot the gun and follow it up.


For example, if a dog approaches me with mine and it's off lead, I "stand tall" in front of them and shout "Go!" and the dog has always backed off. It's not the same but I would imagine when confronted along with a gun shot, the dog will back off...



Perfectly good way of creating more chaos/damage more like.


What's the point when the law states the farmer is within his rights to shoot the dog.

Edited by Agent Orange
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What is all this rubbish about shooting in the air?

A dog has proven it's willingness to attack the sheep, the owner has proven himself incapable of keeping the hound under control and posters want to give it a second chance to kill.




Seems reasonable, we're a peace loving nation.

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Perfectly good way of creating more chaos more like.


What's the point when the law states the farmer is within his rights to shoot the dog.


What sort of question is that? Because he's a human being capable of compassion? Because he has respect for life?


So just because he can, he should no? Regardless of if there is an alternative? It's the easiest option for him and that's all that matters..


If we all had that attitude to life, wouldn't it be a lovely world to live in..

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Exactly, it was shot whilst standing still. Surely that sentence in itself says it all no? If it was so out of control wouldn't it still be ripping the sheep's throats out?


The sheep were still alive and there was a window of opportunity for the farmer to do something other than shoot the dog dead. Fire the gun in the air or chase it off if he was close enough. If this did no good (which I'm sure it would have in this particular case as the OP says the dog would have **** himself) and the dog was still fixated on the sheep then as a last resort, OK, do what needs to be done.

The first time a dog chases sheep they get it in there mind set and even if you can chase the dog off it will remember there is sheep to chase and it will do it at any chance it gets, they become sheep worriers and they end up getting shot once a sheep worrier dog always a sheep worrier its nature and the farmers know this and will act accordingly it may be cruel to us dog lovers but that's nature and the law backing the farmer up, the onus is on you as a dog owner to protect your dog from getting shot.

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Ill give you an example, in Saudi Arabia, being homosexual is punishable by death.


Say a guy is stoned to death by individuals of the community for being gay.


This is not a parallel to the situation in the OP, but an example of just because the law says these people CAN participate in this barbaric death, doesn't mean it right to do so. What's the point in just putting him in prison rather than stoning him to death if the law says we can?

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What sort of question is that? Because he's a human being capable of compassion? Because he has respect for life?


So just because he can, he should no? Regardless of if there is an alternative? It's the easiest option for him and that's all that matters..


If we all had that attitude to life, wouldn't it be a lovely world to live in..



It wasn't a question, it was a statement.


So what would you rather see, one dead dog or a dozen dead or injured sheep?

Edited by Agent Orange
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