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Petition for banning the breeding of staffies

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so how many names have you signed up for this ludicrous petition
.As a rescue that deals with quite a few staffies i have signed the petition.It is not ludicrous, & if nothing else it has got people talking & giving veiws on trying to solve the problem but its because i love the breed,And not for the ludicrous image the press have potrayed, but because of the affection,loyalty and thier looks, if you was to wiegh up how many bites to amount of staffies there are, comperered to the number of other breeds bites you may be suprised . Just for you Frank my staffs wear a santa suit when im collecting at christmas lol , I can understand your dislike of the breed but thier not all the same.

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so how many names have you signed up for this ludicrous petition



not many but like pets@home says its got people talking about it


we have more sigs on paper that on the e-petition


it is not ludicrous,

its about me trying to do my bit.


dont like it, dont sign it


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I have never seen a 'normal' dog in a leather harness with a brass plate on the front and neither have you, I've seen 1000s of dogs with nylon mesh/plastic clip harnesses but they aren't intended to stress the strength and aggression of the dog. If you want to dress your doggy up in a ridiculous fancy dress costume that looks like something from an S&M orgy, well that's up to you, but people will perceive your dog as an aggressive one and you as the kind of person who wants to create that impression.


but it's a free country, I'll stick with a collar and lead.


Ok just to start, yes my staffy has a leather harness, and it does happen to have a brass thing on the front, but that is because he tends to pull a lot at the start of the walk, and when wearing a collar he chokes himself a bit. A harness is a better option at the moment, and the leather one was the first we found that fit him.


But my little terrier cross also has the same harness, in a different colour leather, as well. She also tends to pull at the start of the walk and it was affecting her breathing.


Back to the original topic though, I think there needs to be breeding restrictions placed on all breeds of dogs. Even though the majority in kennels are staffy crosses, I think there are too many dogs in kennels, and being put to sleep, full stop.


I have met too many people who are allowing their dogs to breed with the intention of selling.


Only licensed breeders should be able to breed their dogs, all other dog owners should be required to spay/neuter their animals. I understand sometimes a bitch can get caught before you are able to neuter her, that should be dealt with based on the individual case.


But I also think the same needs to be done with all animals. Look at how many cats, rabbits an guinea pigs are currently in the RSPCA and other centres!


There are plenty of great animals in rescue centres and local pounds that are waiting for a new home. A lot of people however, if they have the choice, would rather get a puppy or kitten. But if that wasn't an option they would be more than happy to give one of the older animals a home. Plus there are lots of young animals in centres as well, if that's what you REALLY want.

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good man del - wait for the barrage of abuse from staffy fans who won't tolerate criticism, on top of my friends daughter being savaged by one of these, my own little ratty dog has been attacked by one while we on holiday last week, not badly injured thank god but £100 at the vets for check up, injections etc - the moron/psychopath owner (as usual) was all 'little fluffy has never done this before' blah blah blah - little fluffy (or tyson probably) is a dangerous breed that is not that different from a pit bull and is unsuited to urban environments.


but your petition won't change anything - the desire to own these freaks of nature is too strong. weak people like the buzz of a potentially vicious animal - the yanks have the same problem only with magnum handguns.


Umm have you ever actually owned a staffy? They are NOT a dangerous breed that is not that different from a pit bull and is unsuited to urban environments at all! ANY dog can viciously attack anything be it human or other animal....it all depends on the upbringing of said staffy or even pitbull or any other breed of dog for that matter! The majority of the time it's the idiotic owners that make Staffs bad it's never the dog.....i have a RESCUE staffy that has quite clearly been abused before now and she is the most AMAZING little dog i've ever met and she's a pure JOY to own....she doesnt have an aggressive bone in her body even when my 11 month old niece is tugging on her ears and poking her in the eyes etc so please dont generalise coz not ALL staffys/pitbull types are evil!

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Signed and posted on The Dogs Trust and Pedigree facebook pages. Lets try to get more signatures!!

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