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Fed up with the spelling and grammar Police

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Or its with it's ?


As long as the sentence is comprehensible then spelling is not a big deal.


Sometimes, if a word is mis-spelt (or is it mis-spelled?) it can alter the whole context of the message.


What I do find annoying is that when someone enters a very long message, omitting any form of punctuation, then it makes the message very difficult to read.


I find typing messages quite challenging as although I think my spelling is very good, my typing is awful and have to preview my posts prior to posting. I am definitely a 2-finger typist, which in itself no big deal.

Dread to think what it would be like if I used a smart phone.


The fact that spelling mistakes are underline in red, prior to posting, helps a lot, but that does not help if the wrong word is used (e.g. though instead of through).

Yes, that can be irritating


My spelling used to be very good, grammar much less so I suppose.

Both skills seem to have deteriorated somewhat lately. Apparently its an ageing problem for some of us unfortunetly. :sad:


I can sometimes be careless and don't always preview my posts (or forget to do so) but I wouldn't want to become too over-conscious and bothered about it, otherwise I wouldn't post anything.:)

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Poor spelling, whether you like it or not, gives the impression of a lack of education.

If you right an applicashun four a job then it'll go strait into the bin if the spelling is bad.


I see some job ads and the spelling is atrocious.


Education does not necessary mean anything.

Not knocking any tradesmen but their spelling would not concern me.

However I would expect them to fully competent in what they do.


They don't need a PHD to fit a wall plug.

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Referring to some earlier posts, people can be far too judgemental.

In my opinion vocal communication matters the most.


Mistaking "your" with "you're" or "there" for "their" is a common error many

people make apparently, even when they know the difference, for some reason I do it quite frequently.

Its really no big deal though is it.


Winston Churchill was one of the greatest orators in history, yet was known to be poor at written grammar and appalling at spelling, as have many distinguished authors.

Did you know that compared to less educated health workers, doctors are the most unintelligible writers?

That may be but this forum has no voice capabilities.


I can cope with spelling mistakes, the things that make it difficult for me to read a post are text-speak and/or absence of paragraphs.

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That may be but this forum has no voice capabilities..


I can cope with spelling mistakes, the things that make it difficult for me to read a post are text-speak and/or absence of paragraphs.

That's true, but you do understand the point I was making.


I agree about the text speak, and yes sometimes an absence of paragraphs can be difficult to read. They should certainly make an effort with a long commentary, otherwise some will just ignore the post.


---------- Post added 06-04-2014 at 15:56 ----------


Oh blast! Unfortunately I've just noticed that earlier spelling error i made on my previous post. :loopy:

Edited by janie48
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I'm terrible at spelling I use spell checker and preview the post loads of times before I submit it even then I see things that I correct,as for grammar well I try my best but as long as people can understand it that's all that matters,funny thing is when I was in the army I was classed as highly intelligent so just because you are not very good at spelling or grammar doesn't mean your thick...people have different talents we're not all the same...

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  • 3 months later...

Love it, Plain Talker.

I love the word INFLECTIONS.

Grammatical relationships between one word and another.

Inflections are missing in the typed word but not, of course, in the spoken.

By the way Plain Talker......... hope they taste nice.

I'm smiling. x

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I wouldn't dream of correcting someone's errors. You leave yourself wide open to being corrected yourself if you do.


I have a reasonably high standard of spelling and grammar, though not perfect by any means. The one thing above all others which really irritates me is the use of 'of' in place of 'have'.

Eg He would of wanted to come. Where and how did that start to creep in everywhere? Was it just lazy speech transferring itself to written text?

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