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Well depressing - Gemma's back.

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I thought my mum got stopped by her the other day, she came home and said some girl outside Sainsburys stopped her, and as soon as she said this, this thread is all I could think about, but knew my mum wouldn't have given her anythin' since she doesn't carry money.


Anyroad, the girl asked my mum if she knew of any hostels or places she could stay tonight, didn't ask for cash or anything from her. My mum gave her the only advice she could and she left...wonder if she ever did find a place to sleep...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw the useless waste of air near Harrison's on London Road earlier today, she has had her hair done or was wearing a wig! She can't do anything about that face of hers though so she was easy to recognise. For some reason she was carrying a dog lead but she had no dog on the end. She walked out in front of my car as I was turning left, she made no attempt to get out the way, she just gave me a sneer.


I know, the decent thing would have been to run her over but I was worried about scratching the car.

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Is this the same girl who a couple of years ago used to wander round Hillsborough/Wadsley in the small hours looking for houses with the lights still on and knocking on doors and windows, shouting some tale about just being discharged from the Northern General and having no money to get back to Rotherham? My mate once told her that if she'd turned left instead of right on leaving the NGH she'd be in Rotherham by now anyway, and got a gobful of abuse in return.

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I saw the useless waste of air near Harrison's on London Road earlier today, she has had her hair done or was wearing a wig! She can't do anything about that face of hers though so she was easy to recognise. For some reason she was carrying a dog lead but she had no dog on the end. She walked out in front of my car as I was turning left, she made no attempt to get out the way, she just gave me a sneer.


I know, the decent thing would have been to run her over but I was worried about scratching the car.



New tactic?


'Scyooz me I've just had to take my dog to the vet to have an emergency operation as he just got hit by a car that refused to stop when I walked in front of it do you have any spare change towards the vet bill he's my only friend oh ,<removed> then you tight <removed>

Edited by Merlina
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  • 4 weeks later...
I saw the useless waste of air near Harrison's on London Road earlier today, she has had her hair done or was wearing a wig!


I saw her on London Road the other day and was shocked too! That purple colour doesn't suit her at all. :hihi:

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THE SCAMMING SO AND SO HAS BEEN ON MY ROAD TODAY!!! I was about to post a comment asking if gemma is now a read head... question answered. She was "crying" and managed to get some money from a guy sat in is car. That was until, I shouted out the window some obsene words to her! God I hope she falls in the gutter somewhere

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Feel free to give her some of your money then or even better invite her to live at your house in Dore! Whats stopping you?


She doesn't see begging outside Dore Co-op as being viable, now with you living opposite the Hamlet she could be very interested. :rolleyes:

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