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What's your favourite "Power Ballad"?


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Not a fan of "power ballads" - the faglighter in the air moment has always been musics lowest common denominator - sorry second lowest - put your hands in the air and clap along has to be the lowest.


So I'll go for "One" by U2.

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I love power ballads. How about 'China in Your Hand' by T'Pau, which also has the obligatory saxophone solo. For me though, the pinnacle of 80s power ballad bombast has got to be 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' by Bonnie Tyler. The video is pure class. Oh, and watch the opening minutes of 'Urban Legend'. You'll never think of the lyrics in quite the same way again...

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Holding out for a Hero - but then again, I am a freaky Footloose fan.


There's nothing wrong with that BoroughGal!


I'd have to say Waiting for a girl like you by Foreigner for the very same reason. I was gutted when it wasn't on the OST.


I also like:

If you leave me now Chicago.

Without you Neilson.

Total Eclipse of the Heart Bonnie Tyler.

Macarthur park Can't remember who by.

Evergreen and woman in love. Barbara Streisand.


Someone mentioned don't fear the reaper - dunno if I'd have classed that in this category.


This is my least favourite sort of music but there are odd ones i like.

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a few other posters have mentioned:

Boston - More than a feeling

which I agree is a great power ballad, but my favourite is Africa by Toto


I feel a power ballad round coming on at the next seven by 7 pop quiz:hihi:

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