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Bad Sheffield Drivers!

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I think it would be funny to share our experiences of bad drivers....my favourite is when you get somebody driving right up your backside...even though there is a long trail of traffic infront of you and they can obviously see that its the traffic up ahead causing the lower speeds. but sometimes you can be doing 35 in a 30...naughty i know!....and they still get up your backside even in a queue of traffic.


The other day one boy racer type in an Astra was so far up my arse I thought that he was going to hit me if I even braked slightly, the next minute the car in front braked to make a left turn and I had to break I looked in my mirror and this idiot was giving me the fingers and shouting at me because I had to slow down and he obviously nearly went into the back of me...believ me I ddint want to have to brake because I was worried he would crash into me! Next thing, he turned left too..drove through a housing estate and popped out in front of me at the junction down the road..to then get in the wrong right hand lane of the roundabout to go straight on...so he raced throughl lane then moved across into the left lane infront of a car...it was the one outside Morisons in Halfway so its only a small roundabout no room to be cutting people up like that. How do these people get away with it because I guess they drive badly all the time so why dont the police ever see them? no point reporting it because its my work against his

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People who, when turning right don't get in a position close to the white line and cause everyone else to wait cos their back end is blocking the way.


People who, wait for the lights to go to green before finding first gear, checking their mirror, letting off the handbrake, then eventually moving off as the lights turn red.


People who, approach a roundabout in the outside lane, head straight across to the inside lane on the roundabout, then exit back across to the outside lane.


People who, don't give way to traffic coming uphill towards them.


People who, when passing parked cars, give YOU the finger when it's them on the wrong side of the road ???????


People who, overtake on the inside on motorways.


People who, refuse to race me away from the lights (joking)!!


All bad drivers,,,, rant over.:hihi:

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People who, overtake on the inside on motorways.


Whilst I agree with your other points, if you're finding that people are "undertaking" you a lot, then you need to move over to the left more.

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The L-plated scooter rider this morning who overtook me on a blind lefthand bend (Junction Rd on way down to Hunters Bar) - bear in mind I am already straddling the centre line whilst passing the ever-present line of parked cars.

Sorry, but he/she will surely come to grief some time soon on today's evidence.

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its nt jus other ppl with bad driving...i admit i get a bit out ov hand sumtimes...but sum silly prat neally took me door off racing up a one way st the wrong way 2day nr hillsborough..cant ppl read a road sign?

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Whilst I agree with your other points, if you're finding that people are "undertaking" you a lot, then you need to move over to the left more.


Not a lot luckily, just the odd prat who moves from the fast lane to the inside lane to overtake at high speed.

You know the type, mobile organ doners.

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a moron in a ford focus was waving his fist and shouting at me when i was going up a hill at about 25mph in a 30zone. it was a quiet road and steep so the car was struggling, had my partner and our daughter in the car aswell.


this pillock thought it would be ok to drive fast right up my backside, then overtake and shout some more and as he turned right, at the top of the hill, looked back at me and shouting even more. :rant:


not sure if i did anything wrong by going 25mph with my daughter in the car, idiot

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Drivers who insist on sitting in the middle lane of the motorway even though they arnt overtaking


Drivers who pull into the fast lane to overtake ..... and do so going a nats fraction faster than the vehicle they are overtaking


Drivers who havent a clue where their going

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