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Everything posted by rooroo211

  1. where can i park when i go to hillsborough to watch the match tomorrow? thanks
  2. the bus lane on mansfield road should not be used during bus lane hours. I go through it around 9am (the road i mean not the bus lane!)...this is rush hour and bus lanes are to be used by buses only...so why do people use it at this time? its full of queuing cars. You dont see people using the bus lane on Ecclesal road at 9am do you? So why do people feel they can break the rules here...I know people who have bee fined for using bus lanes during operating hours on ecclessal road and MANSFIELD road and i know they have started monitoring mansfield road because a friend lives on there and shes sees a traffic warden standing ob pavement taking photos and the reg numbers...remember you queue in the bus lane...they have plenty of time to get a photo and details!
  3. I think it would be funny to share our experiences of bad drivers....my favourite is when you get somebody driving right up your backside...even though there is a long trail of traffic infront of you and they can obviously see that its the traffic up ahead causing the lower speeds. but sometimes you can be doing 35 in a 30...naughty i know!....and they still get up your backside even in a queue of traffic. The other day one boy racer type in an Astra was so far up my arse I thought that he was going to hit me if I even braked slightly, the next minute the car in front braked to make a left turn and I had to break I looked in my mirror and this idiot was giving me the fingers and shouting at me because I had to slow down and he obviously nearly went into the back of me...believ me I ddint want to have to brake because I was worried he would crash into me! Next thing, he turned left too..drove through a housing estate and popped out in front of me at the junction down the road..to then get in the wrong right hand lane of the roundabout to go straight on...so he raced throughl lane then moved across into the left lane infront of a car...it was the one outside Morisons in Halfway so its only a small roundabout no room to be cutting people up like that. How do these people get away with it because I guess they drive badly all the time so why dont the police ever see them? no point reporting it because its my work against his
  4. not velocity village very expensive and apparently lots of problems with flats, stinking of sewars and very very cold due to the glass...no concrete so no insulation. i suggest going outusde of town you get much more for your money and parking too. whats your budget for rent?
  5. never heard of the police sending get well cards is that all they have tine and money to do. its awful what has happened but why send a card they dont care do they and thats disgusting getting one with a dog on
  6. check out this link http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/blog/2009/apr/02/house-prices-rise
  7. house prices will not suddenyl rise in the next few months because they have increased for a month doesnt mean it will stay like that, people are still loosing jobs and the recession is going to get worse unfortinatly its bad for everybody, except for doctors who earn 100k and wont lose their job!
  8. what do you mean whast wrong with what i said?
  9. What makes you think prices are going up? There will probably be another half million people unemployed by the end of the year, meaning more people cannot afford to buy, and more will have homes repossed. Houses will be cheaper by the end of the year, you should wait and not panic buy because you think prices are going up, I keep seeing houses falling in prices on the Rightmove website, people just are not buying. I am suprised you are rejected mortgages because of 1 missed payment, this seems very harsh and shouldnt have affected your credit rating that much
  10. I had a parcel delievered that was too big for letter box so got a card through asking me to pick it up or arrnage re delivery. I arrnaged to have it sent to my local post office on a Thursday. I went in at about 4pm and handed the card over and asked for the item. She looked and me and said in the rudest way 'its not here'. I asked when it would be in, she said 'don't know could be anytime'. i said that it was 4pm and they close in an hour i was told it would be there to pick up that day. she replied ' they will come when they come i dont know when it will be here but we close soon' so i had to go the next day, even though i paid to have it delivered to that office on that day. it gets worse with post men though, some days i am in all day and never a nock at the door or door bell. then i ger a card through saying i wasnt in to deliver, they are too lazy to press the bell or knock the door meaning i have to faff around travelling 10 miles to sorting office to pick up or pay to have it delivered to local office. i complained to royal mail several times they just said i wasnt in when the postman came but when i KNOW parcel is coming that day i sit waiting but he seems to sneak up and put the card through and run off it really annoys me
  11. Over the last few years Post Offices seem to get worse. I use about 5 different ones as there are a few in my area and I use whichever I am passing on way to work e.t.c If you want to go and post a ltter recorded delivery this simple task turns into a long drawn out process which could be avoided. The staff in all the post offices I use are as rude as can be, they dont enjoy their jobs, but who does....at least be polite. They grunt and moan just because you ask them to send a letter recorded, is this not thier job?!?!? Also, there are always major queues and the reason for this is because they are so slow which is avoidable in my opinion, they can't move faster than snail pace and they seem to love seeing us all stand whilst they move as slow as they can..its the only thing that makes them smile i think Quicker to send a letter by pigeon nowadays!!
  12. ive seen cctv images from shops get people on streets before put in prison
  13. yes manor not a nice place to live know people who lives there...cars broken into...houses broken into....windows smashed apparently kids will even break into your car to steal de icer. probably to get high on!
  14. try a comparision site they compare all packages put ion your postcode and see what comes up; not tiscali though they are really bad and about to go bust!
  15. Firstly, how has it got there when they are only filling in holes...it must have been done on purpose surely because unless they filled one in RIGHT in front of the wheel? Second...ring council ask them if they are willing to pay for clean up Third - I am not atall surprised, the blokes who recently re did the pavements outside where we live, which didnt even look bad they have only been there a few years!....well they blocked the top of our drive off with their vans and refused to move them for me evne though they were not tarmaccing that bit. I had to drive over my garden to get out, no joke, I should have called the police i suppose but what would they have done? Also, the bin men are idiots they block off the road and laugh when they see you sat waiting my opinion is that all public workers like this love making our lives bad!!
  16. Firstly, how has it got there when they are only filling in holes...it must have been done on purpose surely because unless they filled one in RIGHT
  17. Hello Has anybody in Sheffield/Chesterfield area had problems with Tiscali internet this weekend it keeps going for hours them coming back for an hour then going. Phoned them they said a major problem occured but it is BT's fault, however Tiscali are in huge debt so maybe they have gone bust.
  18. i live in a two bed property and never have heating on, i would say over winter about an hour a week, no kidding, our bill came to 60 for 3 months, so 200 doesnt seem a lot to say you have it on 4 hours a day!!!
  19. write to them probably somebody in one department sent you the letter not realising you have been applying for permission...which will be another department..probably mis communication. but if not, they dont have a leg to stand on
  20. and anyway...there is a shortage of jobs for british nurses...explain that....
  21. think in general drivers have got worst over last few years...people from all ethnic backgrounds..what about all the white boy racers...but then you got asian boy racers....could go on forever about bad drivers! lol
  22. its a statistical fact that ethnic minorities have greater healthcare needs, which consequently means more more for NHS As for the topic raised. I think it is acceptable in somes ways, I believe that if somebody is foreign and wants yo stay in this country, they should learn our language which would solve this sort of dispute. However, can we turn a foreign person away from hospital if they went after being seriously injured...no....i think that by doing this hospitals will become full of foreign people who cannot speak english who have been refused a GP, meaning our A and Es will be full of people with coughs and colds! Seems a little crazy but i can see why GPs doing it, i think if you went to a Gp in say Dore...they might do this...if you went to Firth Park its a different story..
  23. well good luck you got no chance because last year my other half had a similar incident and the police did not give a damn. Somebody drove into the car and basically knocked the front of the car off it was quite a lot of damage, outside a shop, she drove off...luckily a man saw it all got the reg. well we went to police station and they treated US like the criminal...we did all the paperwork and when we gave them the reg said she was local. we asked if they are going round to see them, as this was only 20 mins after the incident...no they said she has 28 days to come forward and report the accident...i always assumed that driving away from scene of accident was illegal as soon as you drive off as for all you know you could have killed somebody. anyway she never replied to the LETTERS...they didnt even go round to her house and she lived LOCALLY....eventually she replied and said that she thought she had hit some railings...funny as there are no railings in that area. the police said ok and let her off. insurance took forever as after admitting it to the police she then decided to not bother getting in touch with her insurer or my partners so they kept writing to her for months until she admitted, the selfish so and so. so....you have no chance because the police treated us like rubbish it was like it was our fault that somebody drove into the car and badly damaged it whilst we were in a shop!! also...police phoned and said that basically they wouldnt press charges as in Sheffield, the courts would let off her off. police said because they are not harsh on things like this in sheffield and even though she badly damaged it and claimed she hit railings...then drove off...even though she thought it was only railings...they cant charge them...great!
  24. is it this month when we dont have to pay council tax, and next month? thanks
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