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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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Another falsehood. What you mean is some peope that live and do business in Hillsborough asked for parking permits (probably in the mistaken belief that this would allow them to park outside their home/businesses (especially so after the flawed consultation).

Are you a mind reader? How else would you know what people are thinking when they ask for something?


There are enough permit parking schems in place for people to understand that they do not guarantee you a place outside your house. The council make it clear what a potential scheme woudl involve in the consultation process.




Hillsborough never had commuters parking in the are prior to the introduction of the tram.

People have posted on this thread about problems in Hillsborough caused by people who work there, like at Swann Morton. These are commuters.




Maybe it would be better if you told people how the money had been re-invested in the area that the cash was generated from.

Why should I? I'm not the one making the patently untrue statements.





And not everybody is as anti-car as you and your friends!

How am I anti-car when I own two cars and enjoy driving them?


The fact that I understand the alternatives to cars and the need to promote them, does not mean I am anti-car.

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I think this has already been covered in this thread, but I believe this was a minority of loud proponents on a very small number of porblem roads.

People have been asking for a permit scheme in Hillsborough for many years. I believe that in the consultation exercise, those areas where the majority said they didn't want a scheme have been dropped form the plans. The people directly affected have had the opportunity to have their say.




Except they haven't have they! They have blanketed the area in a zone, in order that it would make enough revenue (even if that is only to pay for enforcement). The arguement all along is that the councils own surveys say that during the day, when the zone is in force, there is little or no problem on the majority of roads in the scheme.


Again this has already been covered many moons ago.

Indeed, the subject has been discussed. I can tell you from direct experience that permit zones are set out on the basis of where they are wanted or needed and potential earnings are not a primary consideration.


It must just be coincidence that it was stalled for so long before a Labour council re-instated it.

In terms of how long these schemes take to deliver, it hasn't been "stalled" for long. The local govt financial year runs April to April. Goverment funding has reduced by 50% from what was available previously, so schems have had to be re-prioritised everywhere. It's fairly normal to do the consultation and design in one financial year and implement in the following one.




I'm sure you are well aware, those who shout loudest are not always in the majority. There were a number of forumers in the zone, who were not even aware of the vote.

Indeed, and the Council are well aware of this, that's why they consult on schemes. No matter how well you do a consultation, there will always be some who say they have seen nothing. I have personally delivered consultation materials to houses where they have subsequently claimed they received nothing. There is no perfect method of consultation which will engage everyone, the Council do their best within the means available.


I'd like to know why Nos 2-12 Clarence Rd are "outside" the zone when restrictions are being implemented outside their houses.


If you have queries like this, raise them directly with the Council, it only takes an email. There is usually a good reason for everything.

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Are you a mind reader? How else would you know what people are thinking when they ask for something?


From threads on here when the scheme was initially mentioned?:rolleyes:


People have posted on this thread about problems in Hillsborough caused by people who work there, like at Swann Morton.


One person != people.


Why should I? I'm not the one making the patently untrue statements.


If you're going to continually tell people that they are wrong, then you should at least supply reasons as to why.


How am I anti-car when I own two cars and enjoy driving them?


Now who's being pedantic.:rolleyes: You know I was referring to the council being ant-car, claiming otherwise is disingenuous.


The fact that I understand the alternatives to cars and the need to promote them, does not mean I am anti-car.


I've not said anything about public transport not being important, merely that more people use private transport as opposed to public. Therefore (in a democracy) the majority should be the prime concern of LAs and Govts., not the other way round like it currently is.

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...There are enough permit parking schems in place for people to understand that they do not guarantee you a place outside your house.


Unless you live on a short street!!!????


Or maybe a relative of someone in the council lives there...


Either way, it makes a mockery of the process

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Not everyone is as anti permit schemes as you, some really do want them, which you should know very well after your failure to convince your neighbours to reject the one which was put in your area.


In my street I gained support against the parking tax scheme from all the householders I could contact - the problem was that as the CONsultation took place when students were away, there was a majority of houses which did not respond - the council took this (illegally) to represent a majority in favour...


Defrauded yet again...

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Unless you live on a short street!!!????


Or maybe a relative of someone in the council lives there...


Either way, it makes a mockery of the process


Even those who live on streets which are permit only aren't guaranteed a space outside their home.


If you have any evidence of malpractice, I suggest you report it to the Local Government Ombudsman. If not, why don't you quit making the unfounded. unevidenced accusations, they don't do you any favours.

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In my street I gained support against the parking tax scheme from all the householders I could contact - the problem was that as the CONsultation took place when students were away, there was a majority of houses which did not respond - the council took this (illegally) to represent a majority in favour...


Defrauded yet again...

And would you like to point us to the legislation that the Council have allegedly contravened?


If I recall correctly, quite a few people from your neighbourhood thought that student's opinions shouldn't be counted at all.

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A word of warning for supporters of this scheme.


Haven't the schemes in other areas found the charges to have increased by over 100%?


Although £35 a year sounds a good deal, do you think that the cost will go up by 2% each year?


If these schemes get rolled out to other areas, these could be as bad council tax in many years to come

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