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Everything you have eaten today

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Breakfast : Primula on Toast (only one slice)

Lunch : Going to have a sausage sandwich (thus why i only had one slice of toast for brekkie!)


My dinner who knows but its back to revision all afternoon for me so im sure it will be constant snacking of Pringles, French Fries and Cookies, possibly ice cream as well. Its funny how when you study you dont have 3 meals, just one very long one that lasts all day! :hihi:

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Off to a bad start today as I stayed at my boyfriend's house last night, so not only have I not had my breakfast but I've been a scatterbrain and left my packed lunch (that I carefully prepared last night before going to his) in his fridge!


Breakfast - none

Morning - Walkers SunBites, bottle of water (75cl), dried apple chips

Lunch -Jacket potato with cottage cheese and mixed salad

Afternoon - bottle of water (75cl), can of sugar free red bull, glass of orange juice, glass of smoothie

Dinner - Prawn and tomato curry with rice (home made)

Cinema - small cup of diet Pepsi, Gu chocolate brownie

Before bed - Philadephia light and breadsticks snack pot thingy


EDIT - managed to make up for the forgotten lunch with a healthy one from the canteen, and had my juice and smoothie later instead, so still got my five-a-day! Woop! AND I treated myself to chocolate as I was off to the cinema.

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Today's food


Breakfast - Strawberriesthat i intended to have last night. Inspired by people on here, I bought a bag of those rice cake thingys. They taste like anaglyptia wallpaper - why on earth would you want to eat them??? I ate them because i was hungry and they were there. That is all, Cherry muller yoghurt, Coffee.

Break Two cherry tomatoes.

Lunch Cheese and onion sandwich, cheese and onion seabrooks:love:, an apple, some strawberries.

Afternoon Slice of some sort of cake in staffroom, the last shortbread from my box and a coffee.

After school (meeting) Coffee, 2 biscuits.

TeaVeggie curry leftovers. 3 mini onion bhajis and a spoon of yoghurt. Some flake ice cream.


Going to a party now which is food related so will probably eat some more and have to edit. Done my five a day and protein today so yey for well balanced eating even if i have had some rubbish as well. And i'm talking about the rice cakes:suspect:


Party: plate including salad, mozzarella and tomato, pineapple, spoon of pasta, half a yorkshire pudding (lol) 2 mini banoffi tarts. 2 glasses of diet coke.

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Breakie - mug of tea


Mid morning snack - chocs


Lunch - tuna salad sandwich


Afternoon choc fest - 9 chocs


tea - meatball pasta bake with garlic bread

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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Thus far (and it may well increase yet)


Half pack of fresh pasta with oil

2 boiled eggs

2 slices of bread and butter (a.k.a. soldiers)

Half bottle of rose

Packet of Sainsbury's dark choc (large one - about a third through so far but will finish before the night is out)

2 coffees

c. a million ciggies (feels like)

Big helping of *humph* (hence all the badness)

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