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Everything posted by squirrelz

  1. I think it's been closed a while, this suggests it was closed 2 years ago: https://dawesindoors.wordpress.com/2016/06/22/farewell-to-the-house-of-fun/
  2. Yeah, this. If it's busy and queued up on the left hand lane, I use the right hand lane and do 270 degrees on the roundabout to go left. It really needs the left hand lane marking as left turn and the right hand lane marking as straight on.
  3. You can rent spaces in the car park underneath the building, but it's not cheap. You'll probably be able to get discounted parking in the Arundel Gate NCP at about £5.50 a day, or there's a few other options on parkopedia https://en.parkopedia.co.uk/parking/locations/sheffield_s1_2bj_uk_gcqzwtw9p70/?arriving=201803290830&leaving=201803291700 Don't park in Arundel Gate NCP unless you know you can get it discounted as it's well expensive without. Some people park up on Norfolk Road and walk down through the station, but it's on street parking and first come first served. Also, depending on where you're coming from, it's right by the station and bus station, and pretty handy for the tram too) so those are other alternatives (park n ride etc)
  4. I know you probably know this, but they're not LEGO, they're Chinese copies of lego.
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-42534255/large-meteor-spotted-in-skies-across-uk
  6. Agreed, just indicating on autopilot every turn is potentially helpful, but forcing yourself to be fully aware of your surroundings and then only indicating if it's needed is far better. On the IAM test they used to pull you up for indicating when no-one was around, as it showed that you weren't fully aware of your surroundings. They would also pull you up for not indicating if someone would have benefitted from it though.
  7. There's also the fact that the Chief Inspector who produced that report is the CEO of a rival academies trust. Conflict of interest, much?
  8. If your phone is showing a list, it has to probe for that list, and it uses a unique hardware identifier (the WiFi adapter's MAC address) to do so. This was reported on some time ago as being something that some retailers were looking at. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/blogs/techftc/2014/02/my-phone-your-service If your phone's WiFi is on, people can track your phone as you move through the store, they just don't know who you are, unless you connect to the WiFi and sign in to one of their services.
  9. And then again... https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/oct/03/school-results-music-bradford
  10. It was bloody awful on tuesday night, driving towards it in the rain - it significantly affected visibility
  11. I'll put a fiver on them deciding that it's hardly worth electrifying the line between Chesterfield and Sheffield, for the little time it'll save, and you'll have to change to a refurbished Pacer train for that last leg.
  12. I guess that'll be it, thanks rachelg. There was definitely a *lot* of police for just a single vehicle accident!
  13. Anyone know what was going on on the M1 under the J35 bridges last night? At least two riot vans, and other emergency vehicles parked on the northbound carriageway and lanes closed off.
  14. The scrap merchant that calls round here is a man/woman team
  15. It's all happening in Chapeltown recently, this http://www.thestar.co.uk/our-towns-and-cities/sheffield/sheffield-shooting-victim-may-have-lost-fingers-says-shocked-bar-lady-1-8507977 was the day before
  16. Yep, I did mine a couple of weeks ago, and took my own photo using a tripod. You just need a blank wall to take it in front of, and you can keep retaking until you get one you like. Much better than the photo booths that distort your face because of how close the camera is.
  17. You can apply for a passport online and submit digital photos during the application.
  18. I've just had a full set of 18's done at Auto Dynamics, £70 per wheel including removing and refitting tyres (takes 2 days). Plenty of choice of colours etc, and I'm very happy with the end result. They even used black balance weights to match the wheels.
  19. Yeah, given the length of time involved, I'll probably be retired before the first train runs, lol!
  20. Well that's just fabulous. It's actually slower than the Meadowhall option (even taking into account the transfer), and also means that trains between Sheffield and London will be slower than trains between Leeds and London. And initially (therefore probably permanently as there will be no more money) no HS trains between Sheffield and Leeds. I'm only a few hundred meters from the Meadowhall route, so really I should be pleased it's changed, but I can't help feeling that this renders Sheffield a backwater that's being bypassed. ---------- Post added 07-07-2016 at 08:36 ---------- It was 78 minutes including transfer, now it's 83 minutes. Leeds was 81 minutes, now it's 80 minutes.
  21. Agreed, it's a good job it's not busy, as it seems to get very snarled with the currently level of traffic!
  22. I think I'll actually be better off parking on Station Road and using Chapeltown station. Train times are a bit awkward really compared with Meadowhall, but I think it's workable. Thanks for the help and suggestions.
  23. Thanks, looks like I need a different option then!
  24. Can anyone comment on how early you have to get to meadowhall park and ride carpark to be likely to get parked? I've searched the forum archive, and there are a few comments about it filling quickly in the morning, but no suggested times. Hoping to park there about 8.20 on a monday morning.
  25. Yes, Abbeydale Grange was demolished a few years back. And then some of the land sold to build houses. Unbelievably, people then decide to live in those houses, and some of them - and how could the council possibly have predicted this - have children! I mean, how unlucky could the council have been for this to happen.
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