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Everything posted by teenyweeny

  1. Thanks for that maybe my house isnt haunted after all.
  2. Hi i am a bit concerned that at the same time every night/ early morning my tv turns itself on on stand by at exactly 3am every night then switches off at 3. 04am.i stay up late myself and dont have the tv on after a certain time.it is very weird.this seems to happen no matter what time i turn the tv off.do you think i have a ghost or something or it is a electrical fault.what do you think.My hubby thinks its weird too but tells me not to worry.My mind working a bit overtime..I know the house we live in now had a previous resident ..an old lady ...she died in the living room.I think i have spooked myself a bit.
  3. i have been trying for over a week to make an appointment at the citezens advice bureau.it used to be a drop in centre but has now changed,you have to make an appointment over the telephone.i appreciate they are very busy.but it is very frustrating.
  4. where i live there are loads like that...they just have kids one after the other to get more benefits.they dont want to know about contraception.they just keep popping them out. some have never had a job in their life and have no intentions of doing so.these are the people that should be targeted,.i feel sorry for the kids born into this enviroment.they dont ask to be born do they.
  5. rotherham council are the same..when i was having trouble with my council tax they were an absolute nightmare.
  6. some people like it some wont.i really liked the film i think leonardo was excellent in it.but thats just my opinion...hes super sexy.
  7. if he had any underlying health problems at the time of his death.
  8. not neccessarily the contributing factor to his death no...but if he smoked it certainly would be noted.
  9. smoking related deaths are signifficantly higher because when they die if they ever smoked it goes down as a smoking related death.. no matter what they died of....not saying that smoking isnt bad for you of course it is..but i think the statistics would be lower if they wasnt juggled about with.
  10. to be honest with you..if its so bad then why dont they just ban cigs,then all you anti smokers can think of something else to moan about.but you and i know in reality that the goverment take large amounts of tax on these.double standards really..maybe you anti cigs people should take your argument up with them.
  11. i must admit i quite find leo very appealing.great actor and very sexy..
  12. if we want to smoke its our business..i agree that its taking away our civil liberties when we have to stand outside pubs like a social lepper..im sick to death of do gooders ..you shouldnt do this or that.its a pity they have nothing more constructive to do then to observe people lighting up.my advise to them is mind your own and get a life.
  13. i agree with you.if i want a cig i will have one.smoking in pubs and restaraunts is now banned...so what else do they want to ban actually smoking full stop..anywhere. get over it.
  14. who cares about huntley..hes locked up i hope for good,after what he did.. he deserves everything he gets.everyone should remember he took 2 little girls lives.
  15. i have 3 dogs and a hamster.oscar the staffy is named bob hoskins...emma the rotty is called mrs p...tina the dobie is called teenyweeny...and millie the hamster is called mrs mills.:hihi:
  16. my hubby used to drive a blue van at work which he called blue thunder.we had a green austin maxi which was called the green godess.our current car is a austin maxi in red,which is locally known as the red dragon.we have this printed on the windscreen at the top..in red letters.
  17. i agree staffy dogs are excellent with kids..beautiful temperament a bit stubborn and bull headed and can be very reserved in manner,but very loving and loyal i love the staffy dog.it is the owners who do not treat this breed right who are to blame for their bad reputation.you give any dog lots of loving attention they will pay you back ten fold.
  18. i feel the same way myself...i truly adore my dogs..
  19. i wouldnt appologise either..some people are manipulative especially family members..trick is not to tell them too much.not only that if you have depression and anxiety some people dont understand and are insensitive to it,she sounds like shes trying to pull you down.i suffer myself from mental health problems and have 3 dogs a staffy is included in there.there the most loving dog and not at all nasty i know hes my second staffy ive owned.its people that handle them and how their treated thats the prob, not the dog.ignore your family member and stand up for yourself. good luck to you.
  20. my daughter went to live in ireland 4 years ago she feels the same now when she comes to visit.
  21. typical.. come to uk and get it for free.thats just typical..no wonder nhs is in a state when people can come into the country regardless of weather theyve paid anything into the system or not.
  22. im really amazed by this ...i signed the petition i have a staffy a rotti and a doberman.its not the dogs that are at fault its irresponsible owners.seems like they will push the dangerous dogs act on these breeds anyway no matter what people say.any dog is capable of being dangerous why single out a specific breed.just typical really.
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