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Everything posted by teenyweeny

  1. yer it was a right dive in there.best thing they did closing the place,loads have been singing its praises on here..i have no idea y..it was a scruffy hole..
  2. im sorry but a light smack never hurt anyone..confiscating stuff might work for some kids,not for others.i can remember having my legs slapped at school i think this is whats missing now.. strong discipline.
  3. i have struggled with my weight for last few years,i ballooned to a size 16 and went to a dieting club to get down to a size 12.i have now gone into size 14 clothes..im always going on about my weight.my hubby likes me now at the weight i am..he doesnt like really skinny women,my kids like me the way i am too.they thought i looked gaunt and ill at a lower weight.i dont think us women are really happy with our bodies,you see so many skinny birds in the media and you always judge yourself alongside them.i think victoria beckham needs a good gut busting dinner down her kneck,she is far too thin.
  4. i have 2 teenagers never let em roam the streets...but my eldest daughter whos 26 now was a absolute nightmare..she regrets it now she got kids of her own..when i was a teenager my mother ruled me with a iron fist..if i wasnt in for a set time she wud come looking for me and i get a right hiding.doesnt do any harm clipping your kid within reason..they need boundries.
  5. magnet pub was a right dump when i went in there was a big barmaid covered in tattoos it was a right spit and sawdust place, you were almost scared to look at anyone in case they thumped you.
  6. try the nearest kennels roundabouts my staffie used to go off on his jaunts regular...or try the police station they will know if a dogs been handed in.good luck in finding your dog. x
  7. I just cant wake up...i want to get up but just cannot get enough energy to do so.i can sleep for england literally...although i do take anti depressants and have done for a number of years..i think even though i take the tablets i do still feel a bit depressed..i try not to complain much,but it does mean i miss appointments and deadlines..i have a excellent hubby whos very understanding and does help with the chores.i have the odd outburst of energy but it doesnt last long.i try to get by best way i can..
  8. Tha can tell a yorkshireman most things but tha carnt tell him much..
  9. I love the yorkshire accent it certainly stands out when you go to ireland and you call everyone love and duck.
  10. my nan always used to say look here sithee when she was playing hell at us when we were kids..
  11. Isnt that narclepsy when u just drop off to sleep..
  12. flowers another fave of mine...and i use sweetie when the mood takes me.
  13. no i dont think its sexist at all.some people are just so petty...i always call people duck sometimes wonder what she would have made of that..its the way we been brought up.. i think its nice.
  14. i love the character he plays horatio caine.
  15. does anyone on the forum suffer from hypersomnia...thats sleeping a lot..i have been plagued with this for a few years.
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