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Everything posted by sophiec1979

  1. what would have been lovely would have been to have had the meeting pencilled in for friday instead of your representative falling out of contact. i had very frustrating time from wednesday until friday morning waiting for the meeting to be confirmed only for it to be cancelled by text on the friday morning. when asked on friday to provide alternative dates for a meeting (which i had stressed were limited due to my full time work) i did....i still have yet to receive a reply. very disappointed overall. x
  2. have you tried green top circus? there are some fire people hidden in the specialist performers section hope this helps, x
  3. have a nosy on the B&Q website for pasting tables- for £16 you can get a perfectly servicable table which will last for a long time. ive had mine for about 3 years now and aside from the occasional repair with some pin tacks to reattach the top in places its doing very well look for ones with 3 sets of legs for maximum support, you dont want your table to bow in the middle and collapse once you put stock on it! alternatively, if you want an investment table, these are ace! much more sturdy and long lasting, but they are a bit heavier and as i rely on public transport and my sherpa abilities (limited i should stress!) i simply cant carry one of these and my stock. hope this helps, x
  4. thanks for the extra info philippe, although the only reason i can make the meeting set for tomorrow is because im off 'proper' work this week. unfortunately, i dont have the luxury of solely working for myself and still hold down a demanding full time job which means im seriously limited when it comes to training/meetings/networking etc which all seems to happen when i have to be at proper work between 8 and 5. x
  5. seconded. there used to be a knitting class at john lewis, i dont know if it still truns or if they are able to offer crochet advice too. alternatively, is there a section on the ravelry website that may be of use? x
  6. i did the SEO one last month and it was really helpful. this is interesting steve, i got a follow up email offering me support although not a massive amount of information about what was available and how it would actually be of use to me. that said, i hopefully have a meeting next week about this aspect of the service from SERO. x
  7. there have previously been scams relating to calls offering advertising in police magazines...hope this helps https://www.theadvertisingprotectionagency.co.uk/police-advertising-scams.php if you just google 'police magazine scams' there is plenty of info out there. x
  8. when you say 'on the wall', do you mean on an outside wall? this may be your last resort and will definitely come under the 'consequences' threatened by your folks https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/in-your-area/report_request/graffiti/private.html if nothing else, they may worth a shot to ask what would work best to help you get the writing off. best of luck getting it cleaned up, i hope you sort it before it becomes a very expensive lesson...and i hope youve learnt it! x
  9. jabu has closed down unfortunately...and whilst mega tasty, great value etc, im not sure was that child friendly. a boiling pot of stock in the middle of the table may be considered by some to be a hazard to young inquistive fingers. however, i only ever ate there later in the evning and never saw how they dealt with younger customers. x
  10. no worries, was great to see you on sunday and look forward to seeing you on saturday x
  11. can you request the details of the signature? as everything is signed for now with the electronic signature scanners, you should be able to identify if indeed it is the recipients signature. is the parcel related to an ebay sale or paid for by paypal? if so, you may be able to get some advice from them. its very frustrating to hear stories like this, i send all my orders signed for delivery to comply with seller protection via paypal, but this does make a mockery of the systems in place. x
  12. have a word with Crow & Dunnage based in the archipelago works on sidney street in town. they have recently done at the t-shirts and vests for There's Nothing Like a Sheffield Girl and the t-shirts for Peace in the Park last month too. hope this helps and look forward to seing the designs x
  13. there are a couple of shops on attercliffe front which always have the most amazing window displays...but i confess ive never been in and have no idea about prices. i hope you manage to find something suitable...as a complete magpie, this sounds like shopping heaven to me! x
  14. ooh, eck, i shall get on the case. if youre able to give me a mention on the website re: the raffle prize donation too, ill be able to do an extra push via my page as well x
  15. i think youve found your stick then how about setting yourself a personal fitness challenge that you dont think you could complete unless you gave up? what about increasing the incentive to complete the challenge not only by it being personal to you, but maybe getting sponsored for it? that way, you can do something good for others at the same as yourself and youll have a support network around you urging you on to not only complete your personal challenge (both of giving up, but also whatever the task is) and for the charity. your carrot could be being smoke-free and raising a target amount for your intended good cause? i hope theres some useful advice on here for you, dont give up on yourself i really do wish you the best of luck as youve overcome the biggest hurdle...wanting to give up!!!! (lets face it, all us smokers live in denial, we know what we're doing to ourselves ) x
  16. why do you want to stop? obviously, there are more than enough reasons why you SHOULD, but what is your personal motivation? if you can tap into that, will that help provide some motivation, or even a substitute? for example, my dad is an ex-smoker, has been for nearly 10 years and im incredibly proud of him for that. HOWEVER, he has achieved his non-smoker badge by substituting cigarettes for nicotine replacements. he has not dealt with his nicotine addiction, nor even the habit aspect of his smoking. dad uses an inhalator, chewing gum...and even patches on occassion too...he probably spends more on (and uses more!) nicotine products now than he ever did as a smoker. but he is NOT a smoker...hes not the perceived social pariah he was, he doesnt smell (as bad! ), he has better teeth....although its fair to say his fuse is just as short if the inhalator isnt nearby! and i say all of this as a smoker myself. i have yet to find my motivation. i think it may be the financial aspect for me and am seriously considering replacing tobacco with electronic cigarettes for purely financial reasons rather than as an end to giving up. but, the jury is out on how safe this option is....even though i know it cant be any worse for me than what im doing to myself at the mo...and thats still not enough incentive to even attempt to give up! weak, yes, i think i am x
  17. just had my spot confirmed at the marys marvellous vintage fair for that day...so im in a bit of a pickle. what time to the acts start? if i can get packed down, home to hillsborough for a spruce and back over to abbeydale road in time i shall grab myself a ticket...if theres any left that is! thanks, sophie x
  18. majestic offer free hire if you order wine through them, it doesnt say is this is available if you source your wine elsewhere: http://www.majestic.co.uk/Services/Parties/GlassLoan here is their sheffield store with contact details: http://www.majestic.co.uk/sheffield you could also try jenny at hansley-beard (also on abbeydale road) to see if she has any contacts that may be able to assist: http://hansleybeard.co.uk/ best of luck and have a super wedding day! x
  19. if you fancy showing of some of the best of sheffields female designers/artists, you could combine shopping with music at the Sheffield Girl Designers & Makers Market & Launch Night Party which is on at the green room opposite devonshire green tomorrow? its a great central location to show off some of the best of what sheffield city centre has to offer and only a short stroll to leopold square if you decide to go there. the market is on between 2 and 6pm followed by the evening fun. ive added a link to the event page on here whatever you decide to do, i hope you have a great time! x
  20. ive been running my business for years but have never managed to be in a position to go full-time with it...but then i dont ever intend to. i suppose it depends what your expectations/needs are for the business...and only you can answer that. bridal businesses should be recession proof. if you have what people want, you will always be in demand and customers will scrimp and save to get exactly what they want for the their big day. do you need to look at what you are doing to attract business? do you do the wedding fair circuit, do you advertise, do you employ social media? do you network with the bridal blogs, do you have a working relationship with any local bridal shops/wedding planners etc if your business is ebay based, can you offer the rock bottom prices that people are willing to pay on there? if your prices are as low as they can be, is this affecting potential customers views of you (perceived value) and are you making the profit you should be on your stock? if you are only selling on ebay, should you be looking at other sale opportunities either on your own site or via other outlets? i hope none of this is suck eggsy, it isnt meant to be, merely a bit of food for thought. x
  21. hullo! its fair to say i get around a bit....in the cleanest possible sense! x
  22. maybe have a word with the Dr Sketchy people, maybe they can help point some one suitable in your direction https://www.facebook.com/groups/296790333683718/ x
  23. yay! already booked my spot....i shall by bringing Imogen's Imagination too x
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