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Everything posted by Meem

  1. not sure what kind of thing/standard your looking for but India Hobson is very nice http://www.indiahobsonphotography.co.uk/ My friend Andy would also be happy to help, he is great at giving tutorials about studio lighting and retouching. He'd probably be happy to have you shadow him. Pm me if you like.
  2. there is a place on sharrow vale road that sells interior fabrics?
  3. I.e Primark is not a competitive store it is a completely separate market which is low- end high street. If you were to look at competition for this type of thing it might make more sense to look at companies that stock on websites like: http://www.bubbelah.co.uk/ http://www.greenbaby.com/ As THESE companies are your competition, not Primark.
  4. There are loads of designer childrens/baby wear clothing that is expensive and designer. Just because the people on this forum would want something disposable and buy from Primark doesn't mean everyone wants it. Although if there is no market here in Sheffield you may have to start looking else where for a global or national market- which thankfully is easier with the internet. finger in the nose sell 4 year olds t-shirts at £37 http://www.eliasandgrace.com/designers/finger-in-the-nose/girls/dalton-horses-t-shirt-1850 which would enrage some sheffield forum members and they are a thriving company. If you lower your prices for the type of people who shop at primark you are devaluing your product and many people want to buy something luxurious and expensive, rather than disposable.
  5. I think it will take some experimentation but sometimes generic photoshop tutorials can be a good way of understanding it more and finding your own style
  6. I remember going to see them when I was little and you could
  7. oh no never sell a cameraaaaa I use some photography equipment that is over 50 years old. Some of it is broken, some of it is crappy plastic stuff and some are top of the range lenses! I have had all my old lenses modded to fit my canon DSLR. The old flash's work, and old camera bodies are really fun for shooting something a bit different to your usual stuff. You can't beat film now and again!
  8. http://photoshopfrenzy.com/?p=94 or maybe this is more appropriate but desaturated/ converted to black and white?
  9. how about using a tutorial like this: http://www.diyphotography.net/creating-that-dave-hill-look but then making it black and white and grainy and possibly adding a scratched paper texture in there also? I might try some :/
  10. One day I hope I can take shots like this
  11. I use RAW unless I'm taking snap shots. It really is a lot better quality and you have more control over it.
  12. hehe I don't need to worry about adding noise as my little camera is noisy enough over 200 ISO! I love noise in black and white photos though.
  13. I think it sounds like a great idea! Dunno why someone got grumpy about it. Good luck with your project.
  14. I read about this somewhere else, it said the mom already waxes her daughters bikini line so she won't grow thick pubic hair :s I don't really think this is an indication of modern society, this woman is just insane.
  15. voluntary work aside, it also annoys me when people expect you to work for next to nothing. I've been to weddings where the dress is awfully hemmed and the wedding photographers are using the same camera as me (an entry level, cheap camera). Or businesses with a terrible website. I'm sure the same applies for building companies as well as in the creative industries. Loads of cowboys, people doing cheap jobs. People want to pay a couple of bob for a trade and then complain when they get dodgy results!
  16. I love black and white! Nice shots
  17. I don't think freelance journalism will be as difficult as you think, a lot of journalists work freelance don't they? I think its just getting your work out there and working hard Good luck!
  18. how nice for you that you could find a job so quickly! Not everybody has the same luck. In my oppinion, its best to sign on if your out of work to avoid running into financial difficulties you might not be able to get out of. Yes its best to think positive but you never know. I couldn't find a job for 2 months and I looked everywhere, even in bars and cafes. Now I have a job as a marketing assistant and I don't regret or feel ashamed about the time I signed on
  19. if you have no experience in marketing the best thing to do is to learn about it. Read loads of marketing books. You can buy them cheaply on amazon, a lot of them are not too wordy and are easy to read. Marketing is a very important part of any business, you won't find the answers on a forum
  20. I'm starting a similar project if you'd like to chat about it pm me. there is a lot involved including business and marketing plans, professional branding, building relationships with boutiques and online shops before you even get anywhere close to the design/ making! Its so much fun though
  21. I am a young dress maker/ designer. I have 2 years experience in the fashion industry - including a 3 month internship in Couture sewing. I make children's clothing and also adults. I can work with a client to provide a truly unique and high fashion prom/wedding or brides-made dress. Whatever is in your imagination- I can make it! I know where to source specialist fabrics and I can pattern cut creatively to make a dress to fit you perfectly. My rates are very reasonable- no £500 pound dresses from me. Pm me for details or call me 07868337723. I can show you examples of my graduate collection and work with other fashion designers. Katie x
  22. There are so many different groups of people we could complain about, it just sounds like whining to me. Whats wrong with sitting in the park drinking all day? I wish I could do that instead of having to work
  23. Not Crocuses from me, just some blossoms!
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