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  1. Potentially. It varies from insurance company to insurance company so he needs to phone and check.
  2. I don't know when Firethorn was travelling but a week zone 1 only is £31.40, and zone 1-3 (approx 5 mile radius of central London, the only area many can afford to live) is almost £37.
  3. Yes they are - they remove pacemakers or any other implant that may cause a risk during cremation. Many bodies never go into a hospital or have a post morgen examination.
  4. This is what a 9mm bullet looks like that's been fired and hit something: http://everydaytactical.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/dscn1044.jpg These are live 9mm rounds that haven't been fired: http://shop.fitzmunitionworks.com/9mm-Luger-1000-Rounds-9mm115RN1000.htm If it is a live round (i.e. not a dummy round or one that's been deactivated), possessing it is an offence (assuming you don't have the relevant firearms certificate). Also, if the latter, he certainly wasn't 'shot' with it, there must be some other explanation how it got there!
  5. The really major problems are for British citizens overseas. They've closed all of the overseas offices so passport applications must be sent to the UK for processing - there are reports of this taking several months. It's all very well saying don't book a trip without a valid passport (on the face of it very sensible advice); but if you're overseas and have to travel regularly for work purposes (or just need your official ID) can you afford to have no passport at all for several months, having sent your old one back for renewal?. In the past they could travel to the overseas passport office and pay for the immediate processing - now there is no option but to send it here and wait. There have been reports of people still waiting after 6 months - that is unacceptable.
  6. The Woolly Mammoth exhibition opens on Friday at the Natural History Museum too - with Lyuba the preserved baby mammoth!
  7. You need 30 'qualifying years' to get your state pension - during these years you need to have paid a certain amount of National Insurance for them to qualify. This is why you're being told to sign on, so that your NI contributions would be topped up. If you do have 30 qualifying years then this shouldn't be a problem. ---------- Post added 13-05-2014 at 14:07 ---------- Having said that, the volunteering and minimum wage situation probably would be a problem. As an employee, you have a contract of employment and this means they have to pay you NMW. If the nature of the work you are conducting in your additional unpaid hours is similar to that under your contract of employment, then they would be breaking the law by not paying you NMW.
  8. What I do remember is being wheeled to recovery, and being surprised that I could remember the whole procedure, when I'd been told I'd have no memory of it. The memory of the procedure itself isn't instantaneously wiped out, it fades over hours, it is a very strange concept and I wouldn't understand it had I not been through it. I do still remember parts of the procedure, and not everybody who has this sedative does experience the amnesia (the sedation doesn't render you unconscious, you're still awake and able to comply with instruction etc.). Sunblock, as I mentioned, the memory fades over time but this really doesn't matter. I was completely reassured by the fact that I could remember it and felt completely comfortable with what had happened. Despite having been absolutely terrified, I had no distress at all with the procedure itself and how it was carried out. Most importantly, it really does only take 2-3 minutes. Do make sure you tell them you're very anxious. I'm sure it will go well
  9. This is one test I always flat out vowed I would never ever agree to, having observed some a number of years ago and finding it quite distressing. At the end of last year I was very poorly and pretty much told I had no other option if I wanted treatment. I had always considered the sedative was a tool for the doctor rather than the patient - makes the patients compliant, makes them forget afterwards and makes the doctors job a lot easier. However I can hand on heart say that the entire process changed my mind completely, to the point where I'd willingly do it again if I did need to. I can still remember parts of it now, but most of all remember being wheeled out able to recall the whole thing and didn't feel in the slightest bit distressed by it. I had a reasonable amount of sedation, plus the anaesthetic throat spray but I was out of the hospital within 20 minutes of it finishing. Nausea isn't a side effect of midazolam, and regardless, you can't vomit because you're nil by mouth for at least 6 hours beforehand. The only minor problems I had were some sort of allergic reaction to the latex oxygen sponge they put up my nose (very itchy, lots of sneezing) and a very sore chest where they'd taken biopsies.
  10. I'm really shocked and sincerely wish you luck with your complaint as I think that's outrageous. The NHS Choices website allows users to give star ratings for named practices and post comments. It has to be said I've seen far worse on there than your initial post, which came across as a genuine concern about procedure, rather than a personal grievance that shouldn't be aired in public.
  11. They do have a duty of care - which would have involved locking him up, so they were probably doing him a favour. If he really was capable of relaying that story to you in that much detail, he was either not as intoxicated as he appeared, or was intoxicated enough that the story probably wasn't an accurate account of what happened.
  12. The 'food of any kind' just has to be declared on the parcel though - sending food isn't prohibited it may be checked when it gets there but something like a pre-packaged factory produced sauce shouldn't be a problem. Dairy, fish, meat, fruit, vegetables and nuts are the big no-nos.
  13. I don't know where you got that list from Twitcher, was it the postal service? It might be specific to the carrier not to the country. NZ Customs service merely state that the food must be declared (i.e. on the customs label) so it can be checked, and they certainly don't have that huge list of prohibited items. See here: http://www.customs.govt.nz/features/prohibited/imports/Pages/default.aspx
  14. If they are alcohol based sanitisers they are ineffective against norovirus. Hospitals with these types of hand sanitiser are more likely to have norovirus outbreaks because people use the sanitiser as an alternative to hand washing, which is far more effective.
  15. Interesting if they are still getting the increment. Other public sector employees have had their increments suspended for the last 5 years, and only started getting a maximum 1% 'cost of living' back two years ago.
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