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Everything posted by JC02

  1. Interesting thoughts of the MK manager and their goalkeeper http://www.mkdons.com/page/NewsDetail/0,,10420~2742355,00.html http://www.mkdons.com/page/NewsDetail/0,,10420~2740919,00.html It would be the icing on the cake wouldn't it.
  2. it would be the icing on the cake, but I don't realistically think it will happen this saturday... I hope I am wrong!
  3. I'm afraid I don't buy into "the older you are the harder it is to lose weight" in my opinion it's a complete fallacy and a get out clause and an excuse.. sorry if this sounds harsh but it's correct, not just with you but for everyone who says that. Has sheff_fitness said above, people have got into shape like they were in their 20s and 30s. If you are thinking it's harder then it will be harder for you. Right down on sunday want you are going to eat and stick to it. Write down, how, where, when you are going to train and stick to it. Weight issues are 99% emotional... come on you can do it! You need to break that cycle, focus on what you want rather than what you don't want. Ie, I don't want to be fat (wrong way of thinking) I want to be fit, healthy, toned, (right way of thinking) Try visualisation techniques, I could go on and on but it would be inappropriate on here. Get your mind right, then the rest will follow. Remember; what you think... you become. Enjoy your fitness, decide on it. Enjoy your food, don't see it has a "diet" see it has a lifestyle change and enjoy what you eat. Good luck!
  4. you can say all you want about being a one man team - Mcdonald, evans etc. The fact is, we are 2nd and you are not due to some poor inconsistent performances during the season. I could say that you are a one man team with "the goal machine" but the fact is, your not. Just like us. We have plenty of players who make a difference, so lets please not go there again because it gets so tedious. I love that word... should have... should we?? Maybe huddersfield should be 3rd place, maybe notts county shouldn't be currently 6th, maybe you should be 2nd because you won us at your place back in feb... it makes no difference at all, "should haves", "could haves" etc have very little substance or significance. It were teams are after 46 games what are important. It could be us in 2nd or it might be you either way, I shall celebrate if we get 2nd place and then want wednesday to win the playoffs, in contrast, if you are 2nd I will congratulate you and support us in the playoffs.
  5. going off the subject slightly, but I REALLY hope we get automatic, then wednesday win the playoffs... it would make my day knowing that we are both in the championship and donny are not... because of the comments of John Ryan made last season when we went down!!! Now, I bet he feels a real tool now!
  6. cheap eggs... why does everything have to be cheap in sheffield?? Why cheap eggs
  7. For me it's not the case of being scared, it's a case of not looking like a tool. There's nothing worse than sprouting your mouth off and then falling flat on your face. Yes the all banter is fun and going fishing for bites is entertaining but the reality is, that this is still very very close and anything can happen. Yes we're in the driving seat but I've seen it so many times, strange things happen in the last 2-3 games of the season. We have MK who are also on a good role, they are one of the better teams in this division and it won't be easy. Then we have stevenage who will be chomping at the bit to get into that last 6 place, and that again will be a tough game. Exeter, I hope by then we've done it but if not, and if they still have a chance of staying up, then they will throw everything at us. On the other hand, wednesday have equally hard games with carlisle in that same situation as stevenage, brentford have suddenly started thinking they have a change, so they will be right up for it too. Then there's the last game for wednesday who are in the same situation as exeter. So, on that note, im not personally scared, but just not "gobby" about it lol
  8. I don't think we should be tempting fate. Lets just get these last 2 or 3 games out of the way before we start celebrating. Has no one learned that funny things happen at this stage of the season.
  9. we're not there yet and anyone who thinks this is over is kidding themselves. We've got MK and stevenage yet and trust me they won't be easy. The business isn't done yet. Us blades fans don't need to kid ourselves.
  10. you just can't call it can you. Can we end the season now, please? My blood pressure can't take it. I'm a blade but must admit wednesday are on a awesome run. We just need to focus on each game and keep winning! I will go for utd 2nd wednesday 3rd, and if that's the case I will want wednesday to go up.
  11. yeah true, I think we're all feeling it if we're being honest. It drove me mad when I saw the result against oldham the other day lol in all honesty I don't neither club would be where we are if we didn't have evans or madine but I guess there's no point in speculating because we do have them and thats down to good management from both clubs. I would prefer it have us 1st and you lot 2nd but it won't happen now I think. I always said I will only get excited in april. I've changed that to may now lol
  12. lol it's just projection my friend, it's them who really are feeling the pressure. Can you imagen, winning, then your rivals are also winning, if you were in a wednesday shirt you'd be gutted and start to question it. I'm sure I saw an article of one of the wednesday players saying he'd love to play at wembley again... see, they are already planning it http://www.thestar.co.uk/sport/football/sheffield-wednesday/sheffield-wednesday-michail-antonio-eyes-more-wembley-glory-1-4435518
  13. lol I love the fact that wednesday have their own "goal machine" but when we have ours who quicker, better and more lethal in front of goal, we're a 1 man team
  14. yeah I agree with that, we just need to concentrate on ourselves and not be bothered about what huddersfield or wednesday do. It's back in our hands now.
  15. it may or may not have already been stated but have you had hypnotherapy or NLP? Anytime anyone wants to lose weight fast I'm always a little unsure what people expect. Usually when people lose weight fast, they put it back on again. It's all about the right mind set, get your head right and know your outcome and you will lose weight. But losing it fast is when I hear alarm bells ringing unfortunately. Weight loss doesn't have to be painful too. If you actually enjoy it, you'll lose it!
  16. theres a new site which have a directory of cleaners http://www.incrediblecleaners.co.uk seem good.
  17. 19 years eh, wow lol mind you, it won't be long when we can say it will be 19 years since wednesday were last in the premiership!
  18. bloody hell that's so sad... no one should have to stop their education. God he really does have my sympathy. They must be a cause, has he spoken to anyone professionally?
  19. You have my sypmathy. In my opinion some doctors are too quick to push the medication out. I think some doctors don't value linguistic therapy. I've had clients in the past who have had social anxieties and it's got to a point where they couldn't open their blinds. Now this person im so happy to say now goes out and is starting to build their lives. So you can do this!! best of luck
  20. I don't think it is a taboo subject, at the very least it's getting more understood. It's a little like depression, people are starting to talk about it now. The thing is with most psychological conditions, if people can't see it, they don't understand it. Some people usually are like that. Also, what is normal? I don't think there's such thing as normal. If someone's having anxiety problems... it's normal to them. And also if someone's auditory hallucination. it's normal or real to them (not that I'm comparing you to someone whos like this, it's just an example) Theres always a root cause for conditions like the one you have, it's a learned behavior so the good news is that you can unlearn it. You have my every sympathy, but you can let go of this. I really wouldn't take it personal if people appear to push it away. Like I say some people have to have it themselves to understand it. It's a little like someone who's diabetic and going into a hypo in a cafe and the persons trying to get through to the front of the que to get some food quickly and people are just staring and muttering under their breaths... people don't think. I could go on about all the science behind it, but I guess what you really want is people to understand what you are going through. But remember you can and will get through this... good luck... not that you need it!
  21. the thing is though it sounds so appealing, especially when it's cooked for you, but has the lady on the OP she put weight back on. It's more to do with life style change and attitude. When you do fad diets, most of the time people put the weight back on and get into a vicious circle. I think I am might do a DVD regarding weight loss. What do you think?
  22. A change in mind set and attitude is the most effective way. A good well balanced diet alongside a balanced active life. The more balanced a diet is and exercise the more likely you will lose weight and be really healthy and a consistent weight whats good for you - it's all about the mind and body. When you think about it... what does it actually me "I'm on a diet" or "I'm going on a diet". It could mean anything. I could be on a diet of bacon sandwiches... it doesn't mean I'm healthy or going to lose weight. Most people associate the word diet an hard slog and it doesn't have to be. Instead people should say that I am going on a fantastic well balanced lifestyle change. And by the way It's also so important to know your outcome.
  23. Good consistent result and can't ask for much more apart from a clean sheet. I think we'll end up on 90 points and wednesday will end up on 88 points. Going to get exciting toward the end... anything can happen.
  24. lol or you could have saved it as beer money when you played in the playoffs at wembley!
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