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Everything posted by vinceb

  1. Try composting. You can get cheap composters through the council; see the Get Composting link here: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/environment/waste/gardenwaste/composting.html Vince
  2. You're in Rotherham, simple as that. The postcode area codes refer to the sorting office which covers that area; similarly, phone dialling codes refer to which exchange you're attached to. Sometimes they match the district you live in, sometimes they don't; for example in bits of Manchester people might have an SK postcode (Stockport sorting office) or WA (Warrington), even outside those towns. Doesn't mean you live in Stockport, that's just where your post is sorted.
  3. No really, it is illegal. There's a difference between criminal law and civil law, but they're both the law.
  4. First friendly is tomorrow, easy intro for anybody.
  5. No, don't set up in the countryside because you'll bother the wildlife. Set up in a soundproofed building instead.
  6. Apparently not: http://www.metrolink.co.uk/contactus/faqs.asp
  7. At busy times, it's cars which get more delayed; the tram gets precedence at all the junctions (i.e. traffic lights automatically change to green as it approaches) keeping it on time. One problem you'll have on the tram is that it gets crowded; but at the stops you're using, you'll get on before most people so you'll get a seat pretty easily.
  8. Apparently Australia tries to cope by ... (drum-roll) ... having hosepipe bans! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_restrictions_in_Australia Maybe it's not such a stupid idea after all.
  9. We're shortly going to start the next season of the 8-ball (normal english pool) league on Wednesday nights. If you fancy joining in, our team at the Byron House has room for a couple of new players, and we've got a couple of friendly matches arranged before the new season starts so you can come down and meet us. Drop me a PM if you're interested - Vince P.S. Friendlies are Wed 25th April and 2nd May, just pop in and ask for me. Both at home in the Byron House, Nether Edge.
  10. Yes, no problem. Normally you shouldn't defrost something then refreeze it, because the time while it's defrosted gives the bugs a chance to get in there; but the bugs will all get wiped out when you cook the shepherd's pie.
  11. I'm glad that there are off-roaders with a sense of responsibility, and an awareness of the damage that the hobby does - I had no idea that they did practical work to keep the lanes in good order. But the comments from Angelfire1, damageandy and Greengeek reinforce my belief that there are enough irresponsible off-roaders that the damage will continue, until the authorities have no option but to close lanes to motorised traffic (such has already happened at Chapel Gate).
  12. There are degrees of unfriendliness though. Driving down a nice tarmacced urban road does a limited amount of harm (exhaust pollution, noise, wear and tear to road surface, etc); but taking motor vehicles up and down rough country tracks does far more harm. Stanage Causeway now is an absolute wreck; it used to be a nicely stone-paved rural road but has been destroyed over the past couple of decades so now apparently even the 4x4s can't go uphill on it.
  13. The girlfriend and I were in there last night, and we found the table service very good - our waiter noticed when drinks were running low and came over to ask if we needed anything from the bar. Probably quicker than if I'd had to go and queue up at the bar myself. Also, it was only Thursday night but the place was packed - we only just got a small table to eat at.
  14. Roney's, Sharrow Vale - they definitely do Merguez.
  15. Binoculars are better for general-purpose birding because they're more portable and manoeuvrable. A scope is sometimes useful if there's a fixed location you're trying to view at a distance e.g. a peregrine nest way up a cliff.
  16. Where should I drop them off?
  17. Is there a farm out there which I can donate used eggboxes to, so they sell their own eggs? I live in south Sheffield and work in Eckington, so anywhere out the south of the city would be ideal.
  18. Yes, that's what it says, clear as anything. But it doesn't look like the accident rate is the only thing they're taking into account here - there are fields for the general character of the road, the geometry and accessibility. But I suspect the most important point is in the the notes at the bottom: "Several fatal accidents have occurred here ... A report went to Area Board where Cllrs's agreed to a 50mph speed limit along with improvements to the carriageway." BarryRiley, do you know if that report is available too?
  19. You can't do it without onion. A layer of pure meat wouldn't have half the flavour; you need to include onion (and garlic), a decent stock, and something like carrots. The best shepherds' pies I've cooked have been when I used the leftovers from a lamb roast: 1) Cubed pieces of roast lamb, instead of mince 2) Stock made from the bones Absolutely gorgeous.
  20. The reservoirs fill up fairly quickly after a burst of rain, but its the groundwater supplies that are the problem. The peaty soil on the moors should be completely sodden around this time of year, but they're very dry - so after a week or two of dry weather there won't be the normal runoff to refill the reservoirs. It's not so bad for us here, but over in the East Riding where they rely mostly on groundwater supplies they'll be in trouble.
  21. Be careful about that. When you're renting, there are a lot of maintenance expenses which aren't your problem; when you buy, you have to do everything. Cooker broken? You have to pay to fix it. Fence separating you from your neighbour's garden? Your fence, you pay. Need a new roof? That's expensive, and there's no landlord to pay for it.
  22. Surely flooding in the basement affects every floor if it tips mud all over the parked cars say, or short-circuits the electricity supply, or stops the lifts working, or any number of things?
  23. Seems to be this cottage: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=bingley+lane+stannington+sheffield&ll=53.386563,-1.559694&spn=0.002297,0.004823&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hnear=Bingley+Ln,+United+Kingdom&gl=uk&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=53.386542,-1.559811&panoid=5sb_qZWW-oKzA8Yby4NUqg&cbp=12,4.39,,1,-3.77 Hard to tell from this view, but it doesn't look like it's falling down; but I doubt it's in its original condition, that front door looks new.
  24. The worst that can happen is the EA doesn't even tell the vendor about your offer! It has definitely happened; even if the vendor would be happy to buy, an unscrupulous EA will use dodgy tricks like that to push up the final price to maximise their commission.
  25. The point of university education is to be better informed than that. Wikipedia is a summary of what has already been published in reliable secondary sources; but if you study history then you need to develop different skills e.g.: 1) Searching out and reading primary sources (contemporary eye-witness accounts). You can't find them on the internet. 2) Analysing and critiquing secondary sources (who's claiming what? Have they misunderstood the primary sources? Were they ignorant of primary sources? What biases do they have? Which audience are they writing for?). You don't learn to think this way by just believing what you read on the internet.
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